2020 National Championships moving forward as planned (July 2020)

The NMLRA is planning on the National Championships as usual, unless government entities have restrictions in place that prohibit large gatherings during that time.

We know it’s been a roller coaster of a year for everyone, we will be working non stop to make sure you are aware of any changes to the September 2020 National Championship event.

Any changes from our regular procedure will be posted to NMLRA.org/covid19, emailed to the NMLRA Membership, and posted on the NMLRA social media profiles. If you hear of any changes and they are not posted to NMLRA.org, they are NOT official.


As of writing, we’ve just finished up the 2020 Women’s Weekend Event. We had 13 registered participants and had a lot of fun.

The NMLRA Campground and Range in Friendship, Indiana remain open for members to use. We ask that you follow CDC guidelines to keep everyone safe during this pandemic.