Join NMLRA Charter Club, the Florida Frontiersmen, for the 50th Annual Alafia River Rendezvous, January 13-24, in Homeland Florida. For more information, check out the flyer below or visit their website at
Rate of Fire or Accuracy? The India Pattern Brown Bess and the 1800 Baker Rifle: Firepower Compared
In this episode of the "Firepower Series", we compare the Brown Bess and the Baker Rifle.
Follow us on FB for updates and projects! For your Martini and Snider needs email Martyn at
For your P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket or Short Rifle ammunition needs, Contact Brett at - And for further reading on all British Victorian (and earlier) arms stop by the British Militaria Forum and say hello.
OWL Trekking Checklist - Suzanne Thomson of the Outdoor Wilderness Ladies
Today we wanted to share a great resource from contemporary living historian Suzanne Thomson. Originally developed for her website “The Outdoor Wilderness Ladies”, this checklist lets you plan accordingly for your next trek!
Developing your Historic Persona - Suzanne Thomson of the Outdoor Wilderness Ladies
Today we wanted to share a great resource from contemporary living historian Suzanne Thomson. Originally developed for her website “The Outdoor Wilderness Ladies”, this document walks you through the ins and the outs of developing a historic persona.
Announcing the NMLRA Reenactor Directory
We are working to build an up to date directory for Reenactors and Living Historians in the United States. This includes Military Groups, Historic figures, and Demonstrating Craftspeople.
If you'd like to be included in our directory, please fill out the form on our website and we will get you added and promoted!
There is no fee to submit or be promoted, we only want to help events find reenactors and reenactors find events.
Go to the link below to submit the 4 question form and be included in our directory and promtional queue.
Photos from the Middle Tennessee History Coalition's "Tennessee History Trail"
We’re happy to be sharing these great photos from the Middle Tennessee History Coalition’s "2019 Tennessee HIstory Trail” event.

“In its fifth year, Tennessee History Trail is a unique heritage timeline event created in conjunction with Tennessee State Parks. This event is held each October at Bledsoe Creek State Park. It spans Tennessee history from 1500 to 1800 and offers programming not otherwise offered in middle Tennessee. It also helps visitors grasp the concept of the past shaping the present, and create a personal connection to the past. In addition to the annual event in October, smaller programs are offered the third Saturday of each month between January and May. Hope to see you on the History Trail.”
Checking out the event website, the Tennessee History Trail offers a variety of interpretive stations for guests and living historians to enjoy. Among the interpretations you’ll find Pre contact Woodland Native Americans, fur traders, Tennessee longhunters, and settlers of the Cumberland Region.
Learn more about this event and the Non Profit behind it at
These event photos were shared by Marc McMullen to the NMLRA Muzzleloading and Living HIstory group. We are sharing with Marc’s permission. Thank you Mark for sharing these photos and this event with us!
The NMLRA on Shooting USA! Tonight on the Outdoor Channel!
Tonight! Thank you Jim Scoutten's Shooting USA for featuring us on tonights episode!
( We’re slowing things down for Muzzle Loading in Friendship, Indiana at the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s Nationals. It’s one part competition and one part living history from the 1820s. And we’ve got George Sutton – Mr. Flintlock from Impossible Shots – as our guide to the people and the competition that draws folks to black powder.
Plus, the long story of the 1911s that are now History’s Guns.
Then, John reports from Hollywood with the cowboy guns from the movies.
And JP shows you how to choose and set your zero. More Info…
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, 8:00 PM Central on Outdoor Channel
Shooting USA is listed as a one-hour show in your cable menu.
On the New Sportsman Canada Channel
Our Same Show, the Same Week, as in the USA
Sportsman Canada Channel is available in 750,000 Canadian Households. Find the channel and find us north of the Border.
Subscribe to see all shows as often as you like at
Defending the 2nd by Example in the 26th Year
Muzzle Blasts is Growing - Exciting new announcments from the NMLRA
Muzzleloading and Living History aren’t dying, they are evolving.
We’ve been publishing “Muzzle Blasts” magazine in one form or another since 1930. Muzzle Blasts is the Original MuzzleLoading, Traditional craft, and Living History Magazine. Delivered to your door or email every month, each issue is packed with content about muzzleloader shooting sports, living history, traditional craft, tutorials, stories, and accouterments.
To expand on the quality Muzzle Blasts delivers each month, the NMLRA has launched a new media initiative to bring you more of what you love.
We’re going to take you inside events and classes like you’ve never seen, and we are able to do all of this thanks to the members of the NMLRA.
New Platforms
We are excited to share the launch of the "Muzzle Blasts" Podcast, a new radio-like show from the NMLRA where we meet with all sorts of known and unknown people in the world of Living History.
In our first episode, we were excited to sit down with a representative from Goex Powders and Deer Creek Products to discuss the evolving world of Muzzleloading.
We Love Muzzle blasts
We know you love Muzzleblasts Magazine, and we want to bring you more of what you love each week.
Our dedicated Media Team will be covering not NMLRA events and classes, but muzzleloading and living history events across the country to show you that Living History is not dying, it’s evolving.
Muzzle Blasts on Social Media
We’re bringing daily updates from the world of the NMLRA to you through social media. We love hanging out around the campfire with our friends during an event, but now we can hangout everyday! With the NMLRA’s new media efforts we are bringing you the quality of Muzzleblasts right to your phone, tablet, or computer each day.
Follow the NMLRA on Facebook
Follow Muzzleblasts on Instagram
Follow the Longhunter Society on Instagram
Reliving History by Surviving in a Dugout Canoe
We sit down with living historians Eli Froedge and Jason Jacobs at the 2019 Feast of the Hunter's Moon to talk about their dugout canoe expedition of the Wabash River.
Eli and Jason are dedicated to living the history of our forefathers, crafting their clothing, tools, and accouterments for their historical treks into the wilds of Indiana. Some may refer to them as reenactors, but they prefer "living historians", following the guides set by books and journals from early America.
Additional photos and videos of the expedition provided by Jason Jacobs, Eli Froedge, and Heath Hoffman. Thank you for letting us use your photos and videos!
New video from the team at Muzzleblasts and NMLRA Media!
A beautiful weekend for Living History at KohKohMah and Foster 2019
Reenactors and attendees alike had beautiful weather this past weekend at Kohkohmah and Foster near Kokomo, Indiana!
On Friday the event had almost 1800 school children attend, we love seeing events like Kohkohmah work hard to bring in children and give them first-hand learning experiences!
Photo by Robin Auth
Congratulations to Bob Auth and Pat Scott for another wonderful event!
To find out more about the event, check out their website, facebook page, and facebook group!
KohKohMah is not in any way affiliated with the NMLRA, our coverage of this event is voluntary in nature to spread our love of living history here at the NMLRA.
Mark your Calendars! 37th Annual Spring Rendezvous in 2020
We’d like to thank one of our Charter Clubs, the “New Frontiersmen Muzzle Loading Club” for hosting the 37th Annual Spring Rendezvous in 2020! Check out the flyer below for more information
Join them Saturday May 16 and Sunday May 17 at the Ashland Conservation Farm. They’ll have primitive and modern camping, rifle and smooth bore shoots, and more!
For more information, check out their website at
Find out more about NMLRA Charter Clubs