Today we’re sharing a nice guide on how to develop your persona for any living history events or presentations.
Boone’s Trace Biathlon 2020
Get started with Living history and Muzzleloaders with these books
We’re always on the hunt for good resources to share with anyone looking to learn more about muzzleloading and black powder. These books might look a bit dated, but they are old favorites from our members.
Click the cover to be taken to a page where you can view or purchase each book.
Whether you are wondering how to get started in reenacting, or a veteran of many encampments, these books have something for you! Learn how to select the time period that's right for you, join a reenactment unit, and get the clothing and equipment needed. These books offer a variety of knowledge, whether you are wanting to focus on muzzleloading or living history.
If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.
Find out more about the NMLRA
Muzzleblasts at the Feast of the Hunter's Moon 2019
It was a beautiful weekend for living history at the 2019 Feast of the Hunter’s Moon in Lafayette, Indiana.
With an expected 40,000 visitors from the public, the TCHA put on another wonderful event this year. All weekend we saw bright smiling faces from the reenactors and visitors as they explored Fort Quiatenon grounds and traveled back in time to the mid-1700’s.

If you’d like to learn more about the event, or get involved, check out their website
We’d like to extend a special thank you to the TCHA for allowing us to come in to film and photograph at their event.
A beautiful weekend for Living History at KohKohMah and Foster 2019
Reenactors and attendees alike had beautiful weather this past weekend at Kohkohmah and Foster near Kokomo, Indiana!
On Friday the event had almost 1800 school children attend, we love seeing events like Kohkohmah work hard to bring in children and give them first-hand learning experiences!
Photo by Robin Auth
Congratulations to Bob Auth and Pat Scott for another wonderful event!
To find out more about the event, check out their website, facebook page, and facebook group!
KohKohMah is not in any way affiliated with the NMLRA, our coverage of this event is voluntary in nature to spread our love of living history here at the NMLRA.
Mark your Calendars! 37th Annual Spring Rendezvous in 2020
We’d like to thank one of our Charter Clubs, the “New Frontiersmen Muzzle Loading Club” for hosting the 37th Annual Spring Rendezvous in 2020! Check out the flyer below for more information
Join them Saturday May 16 and Sunday May 17 at the Ashland Conservation Farm. They’ll have primitive and modern camping, rifle and smooth bore shoots, and more!
For more information, check out their website at
Find out more about NMLRA Charter Clubs