Friday August 14th marked the next NRA/NMLRA Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle Regional match held at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana. Match director Lora Parks welcomed 71 competitors for the Friday .22 match and then the Big Bore matches on Saturday and Sunday.
NMLRA Black Powder Bonanza! August 14-15, 2020
NMLRA Black Powder Bonanza! May 15-17
Photos from the 2020 New Year's Day Shoot
The NMLRA on Shooting USA! Tonight on the Outdoor Channel!
Tonight! Thank you Jim Scoutten's Shooting USA for featuring us on tonights episode!
( We’re slowing things down for Muzzle Loading in Friendship, Indiana at the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s Nationals. It’s one part competition and one part living history from the 1820s. And we’ve got George Sutton – Mr. Flintlock from Impossible Shots – as our guide to the people and the competition that draws folks to black powder.
Plus, the long story of the 1911s that are now History’s Guns.
Then, John reports from Hollywood with the cowboy guns from the movies.
And JP shows you how to choose and set your zero. More Info…
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, 8:00 PM Central on Outdoor Channel
Shooting USA is listed as a one-hour show in your cable menu.
On the New Sportsman Canada Channel
Our Same Show, the Same Week, as in the USA
Sportsman Canada Channel is available in 750,000 Canadian Households. Find the channel and find us north of the Border.
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Defending the 2nd by Example in the 26th Year
End of the 2019 season for the Miami BPCR club
We had a great end to the season for the Miami Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club!
Here are the scores from Saturday and Sunday at Friendship.
Saturday Keith Ux took the win with a 29 and 5 chickens! He was also our chicken pool winner for both Sat. and Sun. Good shooting as always Keith!
Sunday our friend Steve Decker, from Michigan, was our match-winner with a 28! Our King of the Hill high animal champion was Jim Lemon with 353 animals. Congratulations Jim.
Thank you to everyone and look forward to seeing you in March!
The October Miami Black Powder Cartridge Match
We had a great weekend in Friendship!
Here are the scores from Sunday.
Congratulations to our Match Winner, Mel Barnell.
Also, thank you to the Miami Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club for providing lunch for everyone on Saturday. We appreciate all you do.
Good shooting everybody
Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette Pics & Scores - September 2019

We had a heartfelt memorial for Fred Leeth Saturday morning, as the Miami Club Championship is now renamed the Fred Leeth Memorial Match.
Congratulations to Jason Bass, match winner, with a 70! See you all next month October 18, 19,& 20
Thank you Lora Parks for the photos and scores from this match
All Rifles 1,000 Yard Match!
The 2019 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) All 1,000 yards Black Powder Target Rifle Match will be held at Camp Atterbury, IN., on 14-15 September 2019.
Shooting is at 1,000 yards. Permitted rifles: Any safe original or reproduction traditional muzzle loading style of firearms fired from the shoulder in the mid - late 1800’s era of International Rifle Matches or breech loading single shot rifle chambered in an original black powder cartridge.
Targets are 6’ high by 10’ wide. New NMLRA records will be established for these size targets for both muzzle loading and cartridge rifles.