Today we wanted to share a great resource from contemporary living historian Suzanne Thomson. Originally developed for her website “The Outdoor Wilderness Ladies”, this document walks you through the ins and the outs of developing a historic persona.
““Living history,” “experimental archeology,” or “reenacting,” whatever you choose to call it, there are thousands of us practicing the art and craft of portraying the lives and times of those who have gone before us. For some it is a pleasant pastime, others a hobby, and for some it is a means of income. Whether it is an avocation or vocation;whatever your reason for choosing to participate, the five W’s and two H’s of reenacting are presented to help as you develop your historic persona. ”
Quarantine is a great time to start planning your first, or 10th historic persona, don’t skip on the details. Visit Outdoor Wilderness Ladies today to get started.
OWL Outdoor Wilderness Ladies is an organization dedicated to empowering women by developing their outdoor skills and encouraging them to confidently camp, hike, and sustain wilderness areas.
OWL is for women who want to share their outdoor skills and talents with likeminded women. OWL is largely focused on 18th century experiential archeology and living history. Modern backpacking, hiking, camping, kayaking, skill development and adventurous women are all welcome.