Muzzleloading — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Preserving the "Journal of Historical Armsmaking Technology" Book Series

Preserving the "Journal of Historical Armsmaking Technology" Book Series

First published in 1985, this series provides a scholarly approach to understanding the technologies which have comprised the gunmaking trade since its inception.

2021 NMLRA Pistol Match Dates

Join the NMLRA Pistol Shooters for several weekends of muzzleloading fun at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana. These weekend matches are focused on friendly competition, friendship, and introducing new shooters to the sport.
Whether you shoot a traditional or modern muzzleloading pistol, these matches are a great way to brush up on your pistol shooting skills and have a great time all at once!

Build your own Powder Horn with Henry Bowman Class Photos

The NMLRA was fortunate to host Honourable Company of Horners member Henry Bowman as he instructed a Basic Powder Horn construction class at the NMLRA Education Center. Below we’ll be sharing photos taken by Henry in addition to his writing.

Traditions Hawken Vs. Woodswalk | Muzzle Loaders in the field

Traditions Hawken Vs. Woodswalk | Muzzle Loaders in the field

We're on one of the NMLRA "Woods walks" at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana this week testing out our Traditions St. Louis Hawken just like the Mountain Men of the 1840s would have.

Sighting in our Traditions St. Louis Hawken .50 cal Caplock Muzzle Loader

Sighting in our Traditions St. Louis Hawken .50 cal Caplock Muzzle Loader

We're back on the Range today, spring has sprung and so has the smell of black powder in the air. After spending all winter assembling this Traditions Hawken with accompanying pouch and horn, NMLRA Field Agent Ethan is ready to take some shots.

Talking about the Evolution of Muzzle Loaders with the Backcountry Rookies Podcast

In 2020 we were asked to be a part of the Backcountry Rookies “Muzzleloader March” series as they share insights and history on how muzzle loaders can be used in Western Big Game Hunting to increase odds and lead to memorable hunts.

How do I make "Moose Milk" Muzzleloader cleaner?

How do I make "Moose Milk" Muzzleloader cleaner?

“Moose Milk” is a popular muzzleloader cleaner among NMLRA members. You can purchase it from many of our favorite vendors at an NMLRA National event, but if you are at home and want to try it for yourself, here are some recipes from our Facebook group that will help you get started.

Bringing a Muzzleloader Only Hunting Season to Montana - Caleb Hinkle (UPDATED)

Bringing a Muzzleloader Only Hunting Season to Montana - Caleb Hinkle (UPDATED)

Did you know Montana is the ONLY state in the union that doesn't have a dedicated muzzle loader season?

We just got off the phone with Caleb Hinkle, a state representative from Montana who is sponsoring a bill to bring a muzzle loader exclusive season to hunters in Montana.