July Volunteer Opportunities — The NMLRA

July Volunteer Opportunities

July 8-9, 2023

NMLRA National Youth Shoot

Join us July 8-9 for the NMLRA National Youth Shoot!

Matches will include muzzleloading pistol, shotgun, archery, tomahawk, woods walk, paintball, and MORE.

Again, this year we’ll have a special prize for the overall top shooter! Register today for the best weekend in youth shooting sports! Registration is available on the NMLRA website https://www.nmlra.org/store/2023-nmlra-national-youth-shoot-registration. To volunteer please contact Lindsey lbrown@nmlra.org or call the office at 812-667-5131.


July 30-August 3, 2023

Eastern Regional YHEC

The NMLRA will be hosting the Eastern Regional YHEC which is NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) provides a fun environment for kids 18 and under to improve their hunting, marksmanship and safety skills. Through its simulated hunting situations, live fire exercises, educational and responsibility events, YHEC helps build upon skills learned in basic hunter education courses and encourages safer, lifelong hunting habits. https://easternregionalyhec.com/ or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/711773303754769.

They will be using most of our range to hold their events. This will take many volunteers to make this a successful event. Below is the map of where their events are going to be on the Walter Cline Range.

To volunteer you must register through their website at https://easternregionalyhec.com/volunteers/