Boone’s Trace Biathlon 2020 — The NMLRA

Boone’s Trace Biathlon 2020

We’d like to thank the Boone’s Trace Muzzleloaders for sharing these great pictures from their annual Boone’s Trace Biathlon!

“The Biathlon is now in the history books! What a day, Twenty five regular shooters and guests showed up on a 70 degree Kentucky day in January, for this first time event. Some ran the course, some walked but all had a good time.Side matches paid out some cash. Next year we will do it again, but between now and then we shoot the first Sat of the odd numbered months. See you in March! A special thanks to those who worked today so hard to make sure scores were right, safety was kept, and food was hot and good. Thank you to shooters from as far as Tennessee ! Without YOU, we would not be successful.”

If you’d like to join in on the fun, the Boone’s Trace Muzzleloaders are located in Jackson, Kentucky and are always open to new members