education — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Virginia Shot Pouch Class with Jeff Luke [VIDEO]

Virginia Shot Pouch Class with Jeff Luke [VIDEO]

In April, 2021 the NMLRA was excited to be hosting another leather pouch construction class with Jeff Luke. Jeff has been a great supporter of the NMLRA Education Program and having him back was a lot of fun.

A Traditional, NON CORROSIVE Longrifle Hardware Finish

Step into the classroom as Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes teach students how to assemble their own Kibler Longrifle Kits. In this video, we follow along as Wayne Estes shows a student how to fire blue the metal hardware for their Kibler Southern Mountain Rifle Muzzleloader kit

Build your own Powder Horn with Henry Bowman Class Photos

The NMLRA was fortunate to host Honourable Company of Horners member Henry Bowman as he instructed a Basic Powder Horn construction class at the NMLRA Education Center. Below we’ll be sharing photos taken by Henry in addition to his writing.

How to make a "Hawken Era" Hunting Pouch | Craftsman's Corner

How to make a "Hawken Era" Hunting Pouch | Craftsman's Corner

In this Craftsman’s Corner feature, we’re going to go through the process of making this “Hawken Era” Leather pouch from Madison Grant’s “The Kentucky Rifle Hunting Pouch”

2021 Youth Gunbuilding Scholarship | Southern Ohio Artisan Workshops

In an effort to promote and encourage the art of longrifle building among young people , we are proud to offer a scholarship to the Gunmaker's Workshop. Thanks to the combined generosity of both the Kentucky Rifle Foundation and Jason Gatliff of Muzzleloader Magazine , this scholarship will allow for one recipient to join the January 2021 Gunmaker's Workshop by covering the full cost of tuition, room and board - plus an additional amount which in most cases will cover the cost of all gun parts needed to participate in the class.

School's On | Traditional Craft Classes in the United States | Written by Gary Horne July 2020

The following is the most comprehensive list of all classes currently offered to those interested in all facets of the muzzleloading hobby and arts. Classes range from those suitable for the beginner to the advanced offered at a number of locations and is priced for almost any budget. Included are some individual instructors that offer classes from their homes like Jim Parker, Mike Brooks and Jack Brooks. Now in 2020 we are looking forward new ones in spite of the Corona virus pandemic.