2021 Youth Gunbuilding Scholarship | Southern Ohio Artisan Workshops — The NMLRA

2021 Youth Gunbuilding Scholarship | Southern Ohio Artisan Workshops

The following information is not associated with the NMLRA or the NMLRA scholarships, we are sharing this to promote our love of traditional craft education.

In an effort to promote and encourage the art of  longrifle building among  young people ,  we are proud to offer a scholarship to the Gunmaker's Workshop. Thanks to the combined generosity of both the Kentucky Rifle Foundation and Jason Gatliff of Muzzleloader Magazine , this scholarship will allow for one recipient to join the January 2021 Gunmaker's Workshop by covering the full cost of tuition, room and board - plus an additional amount which in most cases will cover the cost of all gun parts needed to participate in the class. 
To apply, you must be between the ages of 18 and 30 and have a desire to learn the craft of longrifle building. The scholarship is offered both to beginners and those with experience. Prior gunbuilding or related skills such as  wood or metal working are worth describing in the essay but are not a requirements.  To apply you must write a short essay which will serve as your entry.  Do you shoot traditional  muzzleloaders or hunt with them? Are you involved in living history or reenactment ? Do you have experience with other early American crafts ?  Or are you a complete newcomer who wants to get involved ? All are welcome to apply. You can include descriptions of what you expect to gain from attending the class, what your present and future goals might be, why you would be a good candidate for the class, and any other information you feel  is relevant.

Some hand tools will be needed  - a tool list will be made available on request.  Essays must be received by November 1st, 2020 via email or USPS . Shortly after this time we will choose one winner then contact the recipient and notify all other applicants. We ask that you only apply if you are serious about making the full week's commitment and can provide your own travel to the class.  

To enter, please email  your essays to: MUZZLELOADER ,  PO Box 1316,  Gallatin, TN 37066   or email to   jason@muzzleloader.net   . The winner will be announced on December 1st, 2020 and will be listed in the January / February 2021 issue of MUZZLELOADER .  We hope you' ll apply and we look forward to receiving your essay !  

 The Kentucky Rifle Foundation is the education arm of the Kentucky Rifle Association. Founded in l999 by the KRA board of directors, it has 50l-C-3 status that enables donations made to it to be managed by Foundation's Board of Directors to "Preserve the Heritage of the Kentucky Rifle."  The books and CD's made available by the KRF are an excellent resource for builders and longrifle enthusiasts and are representative of many years of cumulative research. For more information visit the KRF website at www.kentuckyriflefoundation.org/

SINCE 1974, MUZZLELOADER has been the leading magazine devoted to traditional black powder hunting and shooting. In 2013, MUZZLELOADER was acquired by Jason W. Gatliff of Historical Enterprises, LLC. Jason Gatliff had been publisher of ON THE TRAIL magazine since 2000 and was chosen to take over MUZZLELOADER by Bill and Linda Scurlock. Jason Gatliff and Historical Enterprises, LLC are honored to be part of the future of MUZZLELOADER. Historical Enterprises, LLC is proud of our American heritage of freedom, gun ownership, and the unique American spirit that has made this country the best country on earth in which to live. MUZZLELOADER - available on newsstands or by subscription . www.muzzleloadermagazine.com/