Virginia Shot Pouch Class with Jeff Luke [VIDEO] — The NMLRA

Virginia Shot Pouch Class with Jeff Luke [VIDEO]

In April, 2021 the NMLRA was excited to be hosting another leather pouch construction class with Jeff Luke. Jeff has been a great supporter of the NMLRA Education Program and having him back was a lot of fun.

This class was a simpler class, students worked to create a “Viriginia Shot Pouch” from early Colonial America. Jeff’s design is based on an original shared by Wallace Gusler in the December 2009 Muzzle Blasts Magazine.

While it's debated on how important this pouch design was, its shape is still functional and used today.

With 9 students, we had a classroom full of eager students. Several attended our Basic Powder Horn Class with Henry Bowman the previous weekend, and were excited to build another piece of their own muzzleloading gear.

Class started at 9 am sharp as Jeff talked a bit about the origins of this bag and it’s uses to the modern muzzleloading enthusiast. Students started by creating the strap for their bag. Known as one of the most tedious parts of leather bag making, it was nice to get this out of the way first. From there students shaped their bag flap, picked their own button and began sewing their bags.

Here you can see some of the finished bags. Many students opted for a dark colored dye and brass or copper buttons, mentioning that they planned on aging them more when they arrived home.


Jeff Luke’s work has been featured in and on the cover of Muzzle Blasts Magazine, and in 2019, Jeff was recognized as a new and upcoming artist at the annual Contemporary Longrifle Association Show.

To watch Jeff’s previous class with the NMLRA, click here

To see more of Jeff’s work, please visit his Facebook page: