2020 NRA/NMLRA Black Powder Cartridge Regional Recap, Scores and More

Friday August 14th marked the next NRA/NMLRA Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle Regional match held at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana. Match director Lora Parks welcomed 71 competitors for the Friday .22 match and then the Big Bore matches on Saturday and Sunday.
We could not have asked for better weather on Friday for the .22 match. The wind was surprisingly calm for Friendship, which is normally known for its abnormal conditions. By Saturday morning, shooters were preparing for the big bore matches. Thankfully these heavy lead bullets can tolerate a little bit of wind because the classic Friendship crosswinds picked up by early afternoon and gave competitors a run for their money on the long range silhouettes.
Scores from the Friday .22 rifle match
With Indiana under a mask order, the NMLRA took precautions to ensure safety of participants and spectators.
Organizers feared rain would put an end to the fun, but the skies stayed clear through the weekend and made for great shooting. The annual match dinner was held inside the NMLRA Education Center. During the dinner, Match director Lora Parks took time to thank the attendees and draw prizes donated by the generous sponsors.
Bob Wetzler won the Shiloh Sharps $2000 gift certificate, Stan Reed won the MVA Scope, Marc O’Malley won the case of Swiss powder, Justin Abrams David Kincade and Doug Gazaway won shooting boxes made by Richard Wood, Bob Johnson won a shooting box made by Pete Wygant. These were the big winners. Lots of other prizes/powder was given away as well. - Lora Parks, Match Director
Pictured above: Bob Wetzler with his prize $2000 gift certificate from Shiloh Sharps. Photo Credit Rick Weber
Scores for the scoped class competitors
Scores for the Iron Sight class
A special thanks to the BPCR Regional committee Mike Hoke, Richard Wood, Jim Davis, Mel Barnell, Joe Hill), Dan Thomas, and Joyce Vogel for their efforts to plan, organize and execute this packed match at the NMLRA.
Above: Shooters gather for the morning meeting from Match Director Lora Parks
Neil Eddington took home the Saturday chicken pool
Photo Credit: Lora Parks

We’d like to thank the BPCR Regional Prize Donors:
Forster Products
J and J Liquors
Brooks’ Bullet Moulds
Friendship State Bank
Midway USA
Treebone Carving
Dixie Gun Works
Green Mountain Rifle Barrel Co.
SPG Sales
Creedmoor Sports
Shiloh Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Co.
Montana Vintage Arms
Swiss Powder
Hodgdon Powder
Mike Patterson
Richard Wood
Pete Wygant
Friendship Tavern
Single Shot