Longrifle — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Indiana Gunmakers and Their Muzzle-Loading Longrifles   1778-1900

The high-quality book is hardbound and 324 pages of heavy, 100# coated paper with a matte finish.

It contains biographies of nearly 1,000 gunmakers that worked within the boundaries of present-day Indiana between 1778 and 1900 as well as nearly 800 high resolution photographs of their muzzle-loading longrifles.

The book organizes the gunmakers alphabetically and also by county for easy reference. A section on gunmaker migration includes six color maps that depict county organization and state growth between 1817 and 1840. Statistical tables show what state and/or country the gunmakers were born.

It is printed in full color and authored by veteran student of the longrifle, Jeffrey J. Jaeger.

Young Adult Iron Mounted Colonial Longrifle Class with Ian Pratt

Students will build an Iron mounted colonial era flintlock longrifle from a blank.

Students will have a choice of wood, barrel profile, caliber, and lock. Included with the class will be a hand forged trigger guard and buttplate from Ian Pratt.

Announcing the 1st Annual NMLRA American Longrifle Show

The NMLRA would like to bring gunsmiths, artisans, craftspeople, and enthusiasts together for a 2-day celebration of the preservation of the skills needed to create the American Longrifle and its accompanying accouterments.

Unboxing a Jim Chambers Flintlock Kit with Blackpowder TV

Black Powder TV unboxes a muzzleloader kit from our friends at Jim Chambers Flintlocks LTD! Check out the video today

A Riffle Gun and What Belongs To Her | Muzzle Blasts Archives

A Riffle Gun and What Belongs To Her | Muzzle Blasts Archives

This article is an original from Muzzle Blasts Magazine, the oldest and best Muzzleloading and Living HIstory Magazine. NMLRA.org