Announcing the 1st Annual NMLRA American Longrifle Show — The NMLRA

Announcing the 1st Annual NMLRA American Longrifle Show


Friday, March 26 & Saturday, March 27, 2021 at the NMLRA Education Center in Friendship, Indiana.

(812) 667-5131

The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association invites you to apply for participation in the 1st annual NMLRA “American Longrifle Show”, Friday, March 26 & Saturday, March 27, 2021 at the NMLRA Education Center in Friendship, Indiana. 

The NMLRA would like to bring gunsmiths, artisans, craftspeople, and enthusiasts together for a 2-day celebration of the preservation of the skills needed to create the American Longrifle and its accompanying accouterments. 


We invite you to submit your application to the show online, no physical applications will be accepted at this time. Please follow the application process carefully, applications with missing fields, or no attached photographs will not be accepted. 

If you are accepted, you will receive an email with an invoice to purchase your tablespace. If you do not submit payment via mail or electronically within 30 days, your space will be assigned to another applicant. Payment will only be accepted from accepted applicants. 

Table space will be assigned at a first-come, first-serve basis pending show needs and quality control requirements. SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION PROMPTLY.


No refunds will be made if the show is canceled due to weather, fire, strike, loss of power and/or heat; national, state or local  emergency; government regulations; natural disaster, insurance unavailability; or any other cause beyond the control of The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. With the exception, please see “COVID 19” Below


Due to the series of event cancellations due to COVID 19 during 2020, the NMLRA will do it’s due diligence to notify show participants and attendees of any changes to the show as soon as possible. Notification will be sent via email and posted on the NMLRA website,  

Hand sanitizer and masks will be made available for attendees or participants to be used as needed.

If the show is to be canceled due to COVID 19 an or restrictions placed on events/gatherings by the local, state, or federal government, and or health department, the NMLRA will refund table rental payments