Young Adult Iron Mounted Colonial Longrifle Class with Ian Pratt — The NMLRA

Young Adult Iron Mounted Colonial Longrifle Class with Ian Pratt

August 2-9, 2021

NMLRA Education Center, Friendship Indiana

Class Outline 

In an effort to pass along longrifle building to the next generation, this class is limited to students age 18-30

Students will build an Iron mounted colonial era flintlock longrifle from a blank. 

Students will have a choice of wood, barrel profile, caliber, and lock. Included with the class will be a hand forged trigger guard and buttplate from Ian Pratt.

There will be a limit of 4 students with none to limited experience. With prior longrifle building experience, please consult Ian Pratt at about adding spaces. 

Class Duration- 7 Days, 8 am-?? each day, however long the students and instructor wish to work. 

Class Fee - $770, not including parts and materials.
Part and Materials -Approximately $800 ~$900 depending on student choice of parts. Ian will give guidance on what to buy and where to buy it.

Some specialty tools will be brought by the instructor and available onsite, but students will need to bring some of their own tools as well. Please contact the instructor after you register for the full tools list. 

Please visit to sign up

Need a place to stay during your class? The NMLRA is home to 500 campsites from tent spaces to full hook up for you to stay at. Camping not your style? Check out a list of hotels in the area.