NMLRA Facebook group members help a new flintlock owner with tips on how to find the best load for his new 45 caliber flintlock.
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Questions and answers from Facebook
“For those shooting a TC Hawken with a 1 in 48 twist barrel, what is your bestload? Bullet and Powder.
-Darrel Flurry
Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.
Michael S. “Roundball, 60 and 120 gr FFG. Plains bullet, 90Grs FFFG. Mine is a 54 caliber.”
Mike J. “Mine shoots good with 70 gr. BlackMZ and a.490 ball. .015 patch.”
Paul R. “Roundball 65 gr, lee real 75 gr”
Jeffery R “300 grain sabot, 100grns loose powder, fff works if your gun is clean and dry.
James B “90 gr. Goex FFF cut pillow ticking spit patch .490 round ball”
Here’s a photo Todd Shared.
Todd T “100 grains Goex 2f, .54 cal home cast Lyman Plains lubed with 45/45/10 with a felt wad between powder and bullet. Can’t wait to run one through an elk.”
Tony G “80 grains ff 490 ball 015 patch”
Dale N “My 45 50 grs RB, 60 grs maxi. My 50 60 grs RB, 80 grs maxi”
Fred W “Same as Bob above, 70gr 2f 490 orb .015 pillow ticking patch Goex BLACK POWDER ONLY.”
David C “40 gr FFg, lubed .015 patch with .490 round ball for paper at 25 yds. 85 gr FFg, same patch and ball, for hunting.”
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