Horn Guild — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

Horn Guild

Powder Horns and Flasks from the Valley Forge National Historic Park

The Valley Forge National Historical Park has shared a great PDF about the powder horns and flasks in their collection from the 15th to 18th century.

Check out the document at this link, or embedded down below.

The European Powder Flask by Carl Dumke | Historically and Economically | Hornguild.org

This week's episode comes straight from our time at the 2020 Horn Fair with the Honourable Company of Horners. Listen as Carl Dumke, Master Horner, gives a wonderful presentation on the European Powder Flask. This hour-long presentation is packed with information and history on an often overlooked subject.

Making a Supply Horn | Honourable Company of Horners Annual Horn Fair 2020

In this video we stop by Mr. Hoover’s demonstration area as he works a “supply horn”. This horn was used by families or military regiments on the frontier to store a large amount of black powder for safe traveling. While in the early stages, Mr. Hoover shares his process with us as he carves the spout to this horn