Making a Supply Horn | Honourable Company of Horners Annual Horn Fair 2020 — The NMLRA

Making a Supply Horn | Honourable Company of Horners Annual Horn Fair 2020

The team at Muzzle Blasts trekked out to Carlisle PA last week to attend the HCH 24th Annual Horn Fair. The Horn Fair is a great event that continues to go row each year, sharing the valuable knowledge of contemporary horners with the muzzleloading community as well as the public.

In this video, we stop by Mr. Hoover’s demonstration area as he works a “supply horn”. This horn was used by families or military regiments on the frontier to store a large amount of black powder for safe traveling. While in the early stages, Mr. Hoover shares his process with us as he carves the spout to this horn.

This two day fair features tabled artisans selling their work, seminars, and lectures, as well as live demonstrations from horners of all skill levels. The Honourable Company of Horners works closely with the NMLRA to craft the 1 of 1000 horn each year as a gift to be raffled to those generous enough to be part of the endowment. If you are interested in traditional crafts, especially working with horns, check out the Honourable Company of Horners at

It’s more than powder horns! These craftspeople are making beautiful spoons, cups, boxes and more.

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