Honourable Company of Horners Statement on the Cancellation of Dixon's, COVID 19 — The NMLRA

Honourable Company of Horners Statement on the Cancellation of Dixon's, COVID 19

The Honourable Company of Horners is a friend and ally of the NMLRA, we’re sharing this statement to help get the word out.

To my fellow Guild members:

Over the past several months we all have seen many things come to pass that have definitely set us assail in uncharted waters. Not since the great pandemic of 1918 with approx. 50 million lives lost have we seen something of this nature that has changed the course of daily events and influenced our daily lives in such a way as we are experiencing now.

This also brought about the cancellation of many re-enactment and market fair events that we all look forward to or count on every year to keep and strengthen our ties with friends and organizations across the country. I am sure foremost in the eyes of many of our members is Dixon's Muzzleloading Gun Fair. For the first time in 38 years the news that the Fair was cancelled left a hole in the yearly gatherings of so many of our horners and friends and the cancellation of our summer reception as well.

Well, we shall not be defeated. Your Ex-comm is working to make sure our summer raffle will take place on the same weekend it would have occurred at Dixon's. We are working to have an online a "live feed" were we all can meet and see the drawing of the winning ticket. This will also give us an opportunity to 'chat" with those that are able to do so. Some logistics are still being worked out and we will notify our membership once everything is in place.

So keep your spirits up and stay safe. The guild is still here and we are doing our best to see it leap into the future.


John DeWald Jr, Guildmaster.