2021 NMLRA Scholarship Applications are open! — The NMLRA

2021 NMLRA Scholarship Applications are open!

Each year, the NMLRA presents 2 $1,000 and the NMLRA Gunmaker’s Hall presents 1 $1,000 scholarships to young NMLRA members seeking higher education. With three opportunities to be awarded $1000 towards your higher education, there is no reason to not apply! Scholarships may be used for any form of higher education, whether you are traveling to a university, or studying in a trade school, we encourage you to apply!

Find more information at NMLRA.org/nmlrascholarships. The application is short, giving you time to get back to your studies.

Applications are due in the NMLRA office by July, 31, 2021 and will not be accepted after! We look forward to reviewing your application and supporting the youth of the NMLRA as they work towards higher education.