Hawken Rifle — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

Hawken Rifle

Traditions Hawken Vs. Woodswalk | Muzzle Loaders in the field

Traditions Hawken Vs. Woodswalk | Muzzle Loaders in the field

We're on one of the NMLRA "Woods walks" at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana this week testing out our Traditions St. Louis Hawken just like the Mountain Men of the 1840s would have.

Sighting in our Traditions St. Louis Hawken .50 cal Caplock Muzzle Loader

Sighting in our Traditions St. Louis Hawken .50 cal Caplock Muzzle Loader

We're back on the Range today, spring has sprung and so has the smell of black powder in the air. After spending all winter assembling this Traditions Hawken with accompanying pouch and horn, NMLRA Field Agent Ethan is ready to take some shots.

54 Cal Hawken Deer Hunt with Wild 4 the Outdoors TV

Hunting season is in full swing across the United States, and Wild 4 the Outdoors TV is ready to fill his doe tag. Watch today as he hunts with the classic Hawken Muzzleloader.

Hickok45 shares his thoughts on the Thompson Center Hawken Rifle

Watch this video from 2019 to fan favorite Hickok45 burn some powder with a T/C Hawken muzzleloading rifle. While modern firearms make up most of Hickok’s channel, it’s great to see him share muzzleloaders with his fans.

A RARE FIND! Don't miss your chance to own an original Barsotti lithograph print!

A rare find! A small number of original, colored lithographs of John Barsotti’s famous oil painting titled, Mountain Men and Hawken Rifles, have been discovered by researcher Tom Schiffer and Hawken enthusiast Bob Woodfill. Don’t miss your chance to own one of this rare prints!