Shop for your muzzleloading gear with these small businesses — The NMLRA

Looking for Supplies for your next build or trek?

Shop with NMLRA vendors and craftspeople, staples of the muzzleloading and living history communities for generations.

NMLRA Business Members

NMLRA Craftsperson/ Vendor Registration

Vendors and Craftspeople are welcome during our National Events in June and September, as well as our growing list of weekend events throughout the year.

We know spending 10+ Days at a single event can be hard for many, it is not a requirement that you stay for more than the first weekend, Saturday, September 12 to Sunday, September 13th

The NMLRA is planning on the National Championships as usual, unless government entities have restrictions in place that prohibit large gatherings during that time.

The NMLRA has been aggressively advertising online since 2019 and reaches over 100,000 people each month. Our national event advertising reaches 250,000 people before each event, all in an effort to bring customers to you. The NMLRA offers different types of locations on our grounds depending on your business as well as affordable rates for any sized business.

As a part of your registration, you’ll be included on the NMLRA Online Vendor Registry for shoppers to find you year round.

We offer two main locations for Vendors and Craftspeople:

The Living History Area

Spaces in the living history area are in the open air, much like the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon, or Missisinewa 1812. You must supply your own pre-1840 display, tables, and shelter (eg, tent or fly).

For anyone offering a total of $1000 or more in items for sale or trade, the fee is $75 per event.

Demonstrating craftsperson tent space is $45. We ask that you demonstrate ~40% of your time on the grounds.

For anyone offering a total of $999.99 or less in items for sale or trade-in the “Blanket Trading” area, the fee is $10 per event. Please note, blanket content must be original, handcrafted, or authentic reproduction of the usual trade items for the pre-1840 period.

All traders MUST be in pre-1840 clothing during event hours.

Commercial Row

The second area the NMLRA offers is called “Commercial Row”. The NMLRA Commercial Row buildings are near the Walter Cline covered firing line, attracting 10,000+ shooters each year. Commercial Row booth spaces are covered and offer lockable doors. The NMRA also offers several tent spaces near Commercial Row.

An 8x10’ Booth Space is $97.50

A 10x16’ Booth Space is $195

Tent spaces are $75

Demonstrating Craftsperson Tent Space is $45. We ask that you demonstrate ~40% of your time on the grounds. 

At this time, prices on all commercial spaces listed above whether you stay for the first weekend or the entire 8-day event. The duration of your stay is entirely up to you, but we ask you to stay September 12-13th at a minimum. 

The NMLRA would welcome your participation at the National Championships, please do not hesitate to reach out to NMLRA Staff if you have any questions, thank you