Craftspeople — The NMLRA
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Brian Huffman - Craftsman

Craftsman of Early American powder horns and other accoutrements.

Contact Brian at 513-623-3648 or by email at

Angela Jacobi - Silver Butterfly Jewelry

Angela at her workbench on Commercial Row

Angela at her workbench on Commercial Row

Angela started coming to Friendship in 1974 as a kid. “ Dad (Larry Stinsman) had a booth in Commercial Row and I terrorized the masses who passed by! (After all, everyone has a job to do ) I met my best friends down here. There’s no family like your Friendship family. I raised my kids here and now my grandchildren are coming to the NMLRA. Best place in the world.”

Angela Jacobi repairs jewelry and eye glasses. She also creates jewelry and rendezvous medallions. The “Silver Butterfly” booth also sells rings; bracelets; necklaces; pendants; earrings; and belt buckles. She also creates silver side plates; thumbguards and sideplates with .999 Sterling inlay pieces for high-end custom built guns.

Angela’s special items include NMLRA Rings; the 1 of 1000 pins; and custom jewelry. If you can think it, I can draw it and create it in precious metal. It will become a cherished piece to hand down for generations.

The “Silver Butterfly” can be contacted at 317-966-5071; email, or on facebook

Kevin Killelea - Horner

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Kevin and Marsha began primitive rendezvous camping in 1978. For years they did trading from a blanket but now are in a Friendship booth at Commercial Row. Kevin had back surgery in 1987 and began scrimshawing powder horns. But now, his horns are much in demand. His horns are historically accurate, depicting the time period from 1700 forward to the 1890s. He and his wife Marsha also deal in antiquities. His specialty includes scrimshawed powder horns and accoutrements.

The Killeleas can be contacted at 815-434-7635; or email

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Terris Mullenix - Artisan

Terris is an artisan creating Early American accouterments featuring, Tomahawks, leather pouches, powder horns, and period knives.

Contact Terris at 513-477-6798 or by email at

Art Seymour


Art’s history with the Sheep Sheds began after doing several years of Rendezvous out West. He was trading in chevron beads when he met Sherry of the Timberline Traders. Thanks to her inviting stories of the NMLRA, I finally came to Friendship for the first time in 1991. And guess what? I have been coming here ever since!

I hand craft all of my chevron beads; plus, I make a lot of other bead varieties. Each one is made from blown glass and that includes the historical bottles and art glasses. My specialty items are chevron beads, bottles and western sage. If interested, you can contact me at; 775-629-9079; or visit my website:

Broadus Thompson - BlackSmith

Broadus and his younger brother Angus operate “B&A Forge”. Working from a coal forge with a traditional bellows, these young men work to create a myriad of traditional hardware including, hinges and nails as well as small axes and tomahawks.

Broadus can be reached at 859-443-4897 and be sure to follow him on instagram @broadus_thompson


Justin Woods - Bladesmith & Artist

Justin is a talented young bladesmith. Having proved his skills with his own style of bladesmithing and knife making, he has recently taken over production of the famous “Jeff White” line of knives common in rendezvous and living history events across the United States. Justin has worked closely with Jeff for many years and is excited to be continuing the line of quality hand forged knives.

Contact Justin at 423-327-9381 or by email at

Follow Justin on Instagram - @bladesmith_justinwoods

Everett Smith

Everett “Smitty” Smith has been a member of the NMLRA since the 1970s. He is also a former NMLRA Field Rep for Oklahoma. “Smitty’s Engraving” has displayed his craft for more than 20 years at the Western Nationals on Trader’s Row; and for the last 10 years, Smitty has plied his craft at Friendship’s Commercial Row. His classified ad in Muzzle Blasts has run for 30 years; a testament to his full-time, skillful engraving artistry. Smitty engraves cappers; tobacco boxes; tinder boxes, percussion cap boxes; turned pens and more.

His specialty is custom engraving on muzzle loading guns, as well as modern. You can contact Everett Smith at 405-226-0251; email; or visit his website at

More on the way!