Muzzleloading Parts & Supplies — The NMLRA

Dixie Gun Works

From a small 3 inch ad placed in Muzzle Blasts Magazine in 1948, Dixie Gun works has grown over the decades into one of the leading antique firearms, muzzle loading, shooting and living history supply companies in the world.

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Flintlocks LLC

Owned and operated by Mike Eder & Family, Flintlocks LLC offers Muzzle Loading shooting supplies, Building Supplies, Cutlery building supplies, muzzle loading shotgun accessories, accoutrements and more


TDC® - Cash Manufacturing Co Inc

The founder of Cash Manufacturing, Tedd Cash, had been coming to Friendship since the 1960s. His brass accoutrements are well known and in most shooters’ pouches and loading boxes across the country. Scott has worked with Ted for 17 years and when Tedd was ready to retire, Scott purchased the company in October 2005. He added all the Firekit items as well as many other accoutrements. Scott most recently improved Universal Straightline Capper.

The company offers brass Cappers; Gun Hangers; Funnels; Powder Measurers; Ramrod Pipes; Nosecaps; Survivalist Items; Trekker Lanterns; a variety of brass, German Silver and copper Boxes; and many more items for the discerning shooter/hunter. The new and improved Universal Straightline Capper, Swivel and Flip Top powder measurers are much sought items.

Cash Manufacturing Co. Inc. can be contacted at 608-849-5664

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Gary’s Gunsmith Shop

Gary & Henry are always at your service. Muzzle Loaders, accoutrements, and leather goods

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The Log Cabin Shop

Over sixty (65) years ago (back in 1940), Wes Kindig began what was to become the Log Cabin Shop in Lodi, Ohio. Sons Dan and Rick have continued the tradition of supplying muzzle loading (black powder) guns and accessories to hunters, re-enactors and target shooters alike. Dan has been heavily involved with the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, serving both as President and Treasurer, and member of the Board of Directors. Dan has also been active in the shooting aspect as a competitor and national champion as well as supplying the shooters at the Friendship, Indiana National matches for over sixty years.

Website, Facebook

Rice Barrel Company

We manufacture barrels that are Match grade quality with bench rest capability. Our barrels do not require lead lapping or extensive shooting to break in.


Abe’s General Store

Nestled in the forest along the Allegheny River in rural Pennsylvania, Abe's General Store offers an impressive inventory of muzzleloaders for hunters and enthusiasts.  Abe's also carries an extensive supply of parts and accessories.  In addition to hunting and fishing, Abe's General Store also offers a selection of exotic meats, steaks, bacon, smoked meats and cheeses, and hand crafted gourmet chocolate. Abe's Gift Shop known as "The Mary Todd Room" offers local pottery, rustic art and furniture, all natural soaps and tick repellents, and more.

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Pecatonica River Longrifle Supply

Our company offers top-quality goods at prices black powder shooters can afford. We stand behind our products and won't sell anything we haven't tested and wouldn't use ourselves. We sell to our friends and are reliable.


L&R Lock Company

It is our belief that without sacrificing quality you can re-create the rugged durability and yet, still retain the aesthetic beauty of the locks of the 18th and 19th century. Always keeping the "Shooter" foremost, we are especially proud of the many local, national, and world records that have been established with the use of our locks and triggers. We strive to emulate those makers of a bygone era whose names have become synonymous with quality. Manton, Dickert, Egg and Hawken, to mention a few, are names we set our standards by. When you purchase an L & R product, you can be assured that we stand behind our work. All our fine, quality products are made entirely in the U.S.A.


Deer Creek Products

Here at Deer Creek Products we carry a variety of parts, including parts for CVA, ASM, and Pietta. We also carry black powder supplies and accessories for a wide range of shooters. If you need something and do not see it on our website, feel free to call and check on availability. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We will be glad to assist in any way we possibly can.


The Colonial Homestead


Started by Dan E. Raber, the Colonial Homestead is a working 1800s wood and gunsmith shop with a variety of hand tools of all early trades. Dan and his partners have worked hard over the past several years to build the Colonial Homestead to be a dream destination for education and craftspeople from all over the United States.

Over 8,000 antique hand tools for woodworking, blacksmithing, leather work, and other historic hand trades. Working 1800's woodshop and gunsmith. Fine antique furniture and furnishings (Pre 1900). No "crafts" or mass produced items. All on the main street in Millersburg (Jackson St.). Museum-quality restoration of antique furniture and muzzleloaders.

Visit them at

6515 State Route 241
Millersburg, OH 44654

Monday - Saturday
​9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Website, Facebook, Instagram

E. T. Harrison

Little Creek Long Rifles has been coming to Friendship for 17 years. We supply Long Rifles, Smooth Bores, Flint Locks and Jewelry. Our specialty is to provide fine Rifles and Smooth Bores for competitors and hunters.

Contact E. T. Harrison at 731-926-6418


Charles Burton

FCI Barrels (Flintlock Construction Inc.) was established by Burton in 2007. He creates custom muzzleloading rifle and smoothbore barrels that are made from 12L14 steel and are shot for group before shipping. Caliber sizes range from .29 to .69, depending on the size and type of barrel ordered. Smoothbore Trade Gun barrels with shorter octagons, 2 wedding bands and double taper to thin muzzle up to 48 inches long are available. Pistol barrels are available straight octagon rifled; tapered octagon rifled; swamped; octagon to round smoothbore; tapered round smoothbore; with limited brass barrel inventory (call for availability 606-780-7709).

250 S. Liddie Way
Morehead, KY 40351


Flint and Judy Anderson

Flint and Judy Anderson like to state: “We have no business, we just stay busy.” Flint’s dad, Jim Anderson has been coming to Friendship since the 1960s and won in 1973 with a flintlock that Flint was named after. He likes to tell people that he has been there his whole life!

They sell fine gun stock wood in “Spalded Maple, Walnut and Ash.” They also are purveyors of great knives and other interesting items. “Shooters Night” is a big night for us on Monday night in Commercial Row. Come see Judy and Flint and they promise that you will enjoy their booth. We make it fun. You can contact us at 317-509-9731


R.E. Davis Company

Gene Davis was an early member of the NMLRA. He began the lock and trigger business. Gene had other mounts and gun building supplies. Jerry Gutchless continued to build on other locks, triggers and mounts. Today, R.E. Davis Company builds quality locks, triggers, mounts and building supplies for your Authentic American Tradition.

Website, Email

Curt Johnson

The “Gunmakers of Illinois, Etc.” has been an NMLRA member since 1968. The booth existed under a former owner, George and Dorothy Shumway, until George passed away. Then it was operated as Curt’s booth until now. Curt Johnson is also the author of Gunmakers of Illinois, 1683-1900, volumes I and II.

Curt carries books on Antique Firearms and Related Items; Antique Firearms & Parts; Trade Silver; Tang Sights for percussion target rifles; Guide Bullet Starters for percussion Rifles are made to order.

Curt makes reproduction “lollipop” tang sights for the countless percussion target rifles that no longer have them. He makes them in various diameters and thread sizes. Custom made guide bullet starters are made to fit those same rifles. Curt Johnson is always interested in buying or photographing guns from early Illinois makers.

Curt can be contacted at 815-915-6971


S&S Muzzleloading Shop

We have all your needs in supplies for muzzleloaders. If we don’t have it we can order it for you. An official Knight and Henry Dealer.
