Gunmaker's Hall

Tip of the Day Tuesday

Tip of The Day Tuesday... With a large percentage of the country under some form of shelter in place order currently, take advantage of the extra time available to get your next several projects roughed out. If you're horn guy, get a few cut to length, ready to thin, carve and shape.

If you're a blacksmith, forge out a few strikers, knife blanks, etc. If your a leather type, cut out a few bags or pouches for assembly later.

In a few weeks when all this chaos fades away and we dive back into our normal hectic lives, you'll have a jumpstart on the next couple projects, which in and of itself will motivate you to complete them perhaps... Stay safe and healthy!

Jeff Luke


NMLRA Black Powder Bonanza! May 15-17

Join us for a weekend of Black Powder Fun!

We will have Trap, Skeet, Pistol, Double Rifle (Sat 9am) and Sporting Rifle (Fri 4pm) all open at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana

Talking with Dennis Priddy at NMLRA Gunmaker's Hall | 2019

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We catch up with Gunmaker’s Hall Demonstrator and craftsman Dennis Priddy to talk shop about some of the muzzle loaders he brought to the NMLRA National Championships in September 2019.

Dennis has been a Gunsmith for many years now. Having always enjoyed working with his hands, he was naturally attracted to building muzzle loaders as the trade uses so many skills and disciplines.

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We talk with Dennis about two of his muzzle loaders, each as ornate as the last. You would think these fine rifles spend their days locked in a safe, but the first rifle shown here is his daily driver and go-to hunting rifle!

These rifles are real works of art. To see them in person, begin planning your trip to the NMLRA Nationals soon!