Long Range — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

Long Range

Blogger V Ring makes his own scaled targets to practice for the Creedmoor

Blogger V Ring makes his own scaled targets to practice for the Creedmoor

A year of waiting, preparing, a new rifle and new bullet. Everything was looking good for a banner year for me and I was excited to be going. Sadly, it did not happen. We learned from Rick that the event would be cancelled due to the Corona Virus.

The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match

The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match

July 25-26 marked the second “Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match” here at NMLRA headquarters in Friendship, Indiana.

Marksmen began arriving Friday night to get their gear sighted in on the NMLRA range. Some shooters remarked that our range behaves unlike any other range as they dialed in their scopes for expected crosswinds.

The Creedmor Era | Research Press

The Creedmor Era | Research Press

Want to learn more about the Creedmoor Era? Research Press has an entire webpage dedicated to it including information on the military rifle matches, the rifles, and ammunition used, chronology, and history of the home range available here

REVIC announces new EXO SIGHT and options for Gunwerks Long Range Muzzle Loader

REVIC announces new EXO SIGHT and options for Gunwerks Long Range Muzzle Loader

EVIC Optics has announced a new addition to their sight line up with the REVIC Exo Sight. The sight claims to be a breakthrough in open sight technology with a true long-range capable turreted open sight. This is definitely targeted for those Western US Hunters, with state mandates on open sights, looking to increase their range while on the hunt.

June 2020 NMLRA .22 Silhouette Match | Photos and Results

Saturday, June 6 & 7 we hosted a .22 silhouette match for marksmen and women to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

We hosted two classes, modern and traditional. Saturday’s match was the regular silhouette match but on Sunday, all competitors were in the prone position. Targets included chickens at 100 yards, pigs at 150 yards, turkeys at 200 yards, and then the rams at 300 meters.


Top Scores


Traditional Class

  1. Mark Finney with 35 points

  2. Bob Johnson with 33 points

  3. Woody with 33 Points

Modern Class

  1. Chad Brown with 35 Points

  2. Willie Pool with 34 points

  3. Joe Fortkamp with 33 Points


Traditional Class

  1. Mel Barnell with 27 Points

  2. Lora Parks with 27 Points

  3. Jim Davis with 27 Points


Modern Class

  1. Willie Pool with 27points

  2. Joe Fortkamp with 24 points

  3. Sandra Pool with 24 points

If you are interested in our next .22 shoot, mark your calendars for August 1-2! We’ll be hosting the 22 Long Range Silhouette Match with challenging games to test you and your rifle. Watch the video from last years match to see some of what we’ll be doing!


The event was limited in attendance to comply with Indiana guidelines on COVID 19. Attendees were asked to social distance and be aware of current CDC guidelines.

Announcing the NMLRA Long Range Muzzleloading Hunter Match, July 25-26, 2020

Now with $2,400 in Prizes!

July 25 and 26, Shoot Saturday or Sunday or Both. Same course of fire both days
(Not an Aggregate)

$30.00 for one day, $50.00 for both days. Medals for 3 places. Apex Hunter side match after main match $20.00 pay in, winner take all.

Practice period 0800-0900, Shooter Meeting at 0930

Drawings for gift certificates and merchandise:
2- Vortex Optics gift certificates valued up to $800.00 each.
1-Arrowhead Rifles gift certificate value $100.00
2- Fury Bullets gift certificates valued at $50.00 each
$500.00 in EGW gift certificates

15 lb. weight limit as shot. Rifles will be weighed at registration.
Any sight- open-peep-scope.
Black Powder or black powder substitute, Maximum Allowed by Powder or Rifle Manufacturer. No Smokeless Powder
Front and rear rest allowed, must be separate. (No lead sled type rests)

Course of fire main match:
15 shots for score.
Spotters Allowed.

5 full size Silhouette animals at 300 Meters, 385 Meters, and 500 yards.
3 sighter shots at each yard line.
18 minutes per scoring relay.

APEX HUNTER Match Course of fire
No spotter allowed.
Yardage and Target announced at shoot
Limited to first 20 shooters
Special Prize drawing for APEX Hunter Shooters

Match Director reserves the right to make any changes to rules, course of fire, or safety concerns as deemed necessary.

Arrowhead Rifles - 319-558-8621 sales@arrowheadrifles.com
Fury Bullets - 810-404-2973 furycustombullets@gmail.com
Vortex Optics - 800-4Vortex info@vortexoptics.com
EGW - (215) 538-1012 egwguns.com/contact
The Beauty Shoppe- 812-621-0085 Friendship, IN
Friendship Tavern & Restaurant- 812-667-2337 Friendship, IN

The Race Guns of Muzzleloader Hunting | NMLRA Inline Hunter Match | May 2020

The Race Guns of Muzzleloader Hunting | NMLRA Inline Hunter Match | May 2020

Precision Muzzleloaders and their marksmen gathered in late May (6ft apart) at the NMLRA Range to compete in the Inline Hunters Match.