Covid-19 — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Update on the December 2020 NMLRA Board Meeting

"Due to the increased regulations in Ripley County and out of concern for the health and safety of our Association Staff and Members, the Board of Directors has decided to cancel the meeting that was scheduled for Saturday, December 12th.

The meeting will be rescheduled for sometime in early 2021."

Jeff Cunningham, NMLRA President

NMLRA Falling Leaves Shooting Festival

In keeping with State mandates and due to the fact we could not get together for the Fall Shoot we are having a weekend event for our members up the Valley. Camps can be set up Thursday and we shoot Friday , Saturday, and Sunday until 1 pm.

7 things you can do to help the NMLRA during COVID 19

7 things you can do to help the NMLRA during COVID 19

We’re all living through some hardships right now, and the NMLRA isn’t immune. We wanted to share this short list of some ways you can help us continue our efforts to preserve American History through Muzzleloading and Traditional Craft Education , while receiving something in return.

May 1, 2020 COVID 19 Update from the NMLRA

The following decisions have been made with the information outlined by the Indiana Governor May 1, 2020 at 2:30 PM. You can read this information here

In accordance with the State of Indiana and Ripley County Health guidelines: 

The NMLRA Campground will remain closed until May 23rd at midnight, because of this,  NMLRA Women’s Weekend has been POSTPONED. A new date will be announced shortly. 

The NMLRA Nationals (June Shoot) has been canceled. The State of Indiana has placed strict gathering limits of <250 until at least July 4, 2020. 

  1. We will be organizing and launching an NMLRA Fundraiser in the near future to recoup funds lost due to this cancellation. We will update the official NMLRA social media and website when this launches.  

  2. If you are a craftsperson or vendor that sells your wares during our National Events, please send a photo or two of your wares as well as your contact information for customers to order from to to be added to our list of vendors so visitors may shop from you during this hard time. 

The May 30th Inline Hunters Match is still on. This event historically hosts less than 100 participants and should fit inside Indiana State Guidelines.  

We will be working with county and state health officials to evaluate all new information and reopen as soon as possible.  We appreciate your patience in this difficult time, staff will continue to work remotely for the foreseeable future as we do our best to serve the membership of the NMLRA.

April 20th Update on the WKU/NMLRA Longrifle Seminar

Western Kentucky University Longrifle Seminar Sponsored by the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association

Presenters and Participants for the 2020 Seminar,

     Since March, I have been concerned about the status of our scheduled seminar to begin on June 3rd of this year. My intention was to wait until the first of May to make the decision to either continue with the seminar as planned, or to cancel it for this year. 

     After discussion with participants, presenters, Officials at the NMLRA, input from the various news channels, and surrounding state travel policies, I have decided to cancel the seminar scheduled for this year (2020). This was my decision alone, with complete support from the NMLRA.

     As a participant, I am offering everyone one of two options.

• First, you can retain your enrollment in the current schedule of classes with full payment since I plan to offer the same classes next year with perhaps one or two additions for sections that did not make this summer.

• Secondly, you can cancel your enrollment from the 2020 schedule of classes with a refund of the course fee minus a $30 dollar cancellation fee. At this point, it is impossible to refund your current membership in the NMLRA Organization. 

     Currently Western Kentucky University is closed until August 24th which is the beginning of the fall 2020 semester, and there are no university plans up to and beyond the 24th. As you can see, I really had no choice about cancelling the seminar on June 3rd, 2020. I did think about rescheduling the seminar between the end of the summer term and beginning of the fall semester, but I was afraid the logistics of a change would be beyond our control at that point in time.  

     Currently the NMLRA office is closed, but they hope to open the second week of May. At that time, you can either call Brenda Hooton with your decision (812 667 5131) or email her at (Please check for up to date information. -Editor)

I hope this note finds all of you well during this unexpected pandemic!


    H. Terry Leeper – 

April 17th, COVID 19 Update

As of April 17th, 2020, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb has extended Indiana’s Stay at Home order until May 1st, 2020.

The NMLRA office and campground will remain closed during this time, staff will continue to operate remotely. NMLRA events scheduled for May 2nd and 3rd, the Center Fire Range Day and .22 Fun Shoot, have been canceled at this time.

We’ve also included a link to the Indiana Department of Health’s information and tracking of COVID 19 in the Hoosier State.

NMLRA Camground closed due to Covid 19 Pandemic

In accordance with the Indiana State Department of Health, the NMLRA Campground at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana will be officially closed at 11:59 p.m. on April 7, 2020.

ALL Public and Privately Operated Recreational Campgrounds must be closed.  The only exception is for camp sites within a private campground that are used as a primary residence.

Words of encouragement from Stefano Pedersoli

Our friends at Pedersoli are in the thick of this outbreak right now in Italy, but they aren't giving up. Stefano Pedersoli says "We must answer immediately to fight COVID 19 and destroy it as soon as possible. We are all together fighting this monster and at this moment we ( U.S., Europe, the entire World ) must be a single force against it !!!!"

North Carolina NMLRA Territorial POSTPONED


The North Carolina Territorial Matches scheduled for April 16-19 2020, has to be rescheduled, possibly in September, due to compliance with our Governor in his newest directive with NC Statewide recommendations to postpone or cancel non-critical gatherings of 50 or more people to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Please alert your friends and club members who showed interest in attending our NC Territorial. We hope to be able to reschedule it in early September, pending current progress on combating the Covid-19 virus.


Buck Buchanan

Match Director

North Carolina Territorial