The NMLRA is looking for traditional craft instructors who would like to host a class or classes at the NMLRA Education Center in Friendship Indiana.
The NMLRA Education Center features full modern amenities, multiple workshops fully stocked with benches, vices, forges, anvils, and other tools needed for traditional craft classes.
Instructors may choose to stay at an onsite cabin, free of charge. Cabin space for several students is also available for a small rental fee during the class.

As the instructor, you pick the date, the times, the price, everything and we take care of the rest. We will promote your class to our 100,000 fans online, as well as our growing traditional craft waiting list, to fill your class with students eager to learn.
During your class, our media team will be on site to document your class for even more promotion. You are welcome to use any and all of the photos, videos, and writing to promote you and your work. Past class videos are reaching 50,000+ people on youtube alone!
From longrifles to leathercraft, blacksmithing to engraving, woodworking to painting, anything related to muzzle loading or American History is welcome!
If you’d like to hear more and get YOUR class on the schedule, reach out to us
In April, 2021 the NMLRA was excited to be hosting another leather pouch construction class with Jeff Luke. Jeff has been a great supporter of the NMLRA Education Program and having him back was a lot of fun.
The NMLRA was fortunate to host Honourable Company of Horners member Henry Bowman as he instructed a Basic Powder Horn construction class at the NMLRA Education Center. Below we’ll be sharing photos taken by Henry in addition to his writing.
Students will build an Iron mounted colonial era flintlock longrifle from a blank.
Students will have a choice of wood, barrel profile, caliber, and lock. Included with the class will be a hand forged trigger guard and buttplate from Ian Pratt.
With some light snow outside, our "Spring" Kibler Kit Class with Mike Brooks wrapped up today! Students applied their last coats of oil and assembled their parts before loading up their tools and heading home after a wonderful week.
Like a spring flower blooming after a long winter, student rifles are coming together this afternoon. Those with staining complete will continue to apply oil into tomorrow.
It has been a pleasant day here at the NMLRA Education Center. Students working on their Kibler Colonial Rifle Kits are learning some of the finer techniques of longrifle decoration from Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes. While Kibler Southern Mountain Rifle students continue hardware clean up and stock sanding.
Students arrived early this morning eager to continue work on their Kibler kits. With their hardware fitted to the stock yesterday, students are spending this morning learning about filing, sanding, and polishing techniques for their hardware.
After a night of thunderstorms in Friendship, Indiana, students arrived ready to learn at the second Kibler Kit assembly class with Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes. Workstations are spread apart in the NMLRA Education Center, giving students enough room to spread out their tools through the week. Many of the 7 students have come with their rifles still in the box, but a couple have already assembled their kits, looking to focus on learning to carve traditional motifs into their longrifle stocks.
Navio Occhialini (a 52 year NMLRA member) will again offer his Eastern Woodland Bow Making Course on June 15-16 and September 14-15