Web Blasts March 2020 | Muzzle Blasts Magazine — The NMLRA

Web Blasts March 2020 | Muzzle Blasts Magazine

Check out these sites for more of what you love!


Rock Island Auction – The Rock Island Auction has offered and documented some of the most unique and valuable firearms in existence. Their blog pro-vides detail on many of them. It is a great learning center for firearm collectors.


American Revolution Photos – Ken says, “For years I’ve been trying to combine 2 of my interests-pho-tography and studying the American Revolution. By photographing American Revolution re-enact-ments I now can combine both interests. My future goal is to photograph every major American Revo-lution reenactment.”


Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 – The names says it all. There is some heavy reading here and it is thousands of pages.


Living History – “…is an activity where we attempt a task that someone in our chosen time period would have done, using only the tools and equip-ment they would have used, or the knowledge we have gleaned from research.” If you’re interested in recreating a period or persona, this site will help you.


Historical Trekking – While some of this website hasn’t been updated in a decade or more, much of it is still valuable information. Pick though and find the gems in your quest for knowledge.


Warrior’s Trail – If trekking is your thing, you will enjoy the various tales and essays on the crafts related to the experience. Many of the tales make one feel as if they were there sharing in the joys and misery.


Goose Bay Workshops – This site comes with a warning that a duplicate website has been set up to catch the unwary trying to buy Goose Bay products. Take a moment and shop but be vigilant.


Genteel Arts -- The Genteel Arts Academy was founded in 1988 to encourage interest in the clothing worn during the Civil War era; concen-trating on historically accurate sewing techniques. The Academy offers a continuing series of lectures and hands-on seminars on all aspects of Civil War clothing and needlework. Students select from over 100 topics, which are offered on a rotating schedule based on popularity.