Friend of Muzzle Blasts Mark Humphries is back at it again with a new video on the Black Powder Maniac youtube channel.
Mark is joined by Todd and Dick Ash for a day of blackpowder fun burning some great Swiss and Schuetzen black powder.
I recently spent an afternoon with Todd Ash and his father Dick shooting "Little" and "Big Brother." This father/son team is featuring 2 fine looking flintlock rifles built in 1973 using Bill Large barrels and made from the same piece of wood. Interested in trying some Swiss or Schuetzen black powder used in this video?
The topic on Bill Large barrels has recently popped up quite a bit on the muzzleloading facebook groups. In this video, Mark and his friends show 2 of his barrels in action.
I recently spent an afternoon with Todd Ash and his father Dick shooting "Little" and "Big Brother." This father/son team is featuring 2 fine looking flintlock rifles built in 1973 using Bill Large barrels and made from the same piece of wood. Enjoy: