black powder cartridge — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

black powder cartridge

2020 Rich Hicks Memorial Match

How do you measure the success of a rifle match? Is it by the number of registered shooters? If so, our overall entering numbers are improving. However, the cartridge shooters have dropped off. If we use fine shooting, good sportsmanship, generosity, and beautiful weather as the gauge, then our match was outstanding. The food was tremendous! However, the wind was very strong and unpredictable.

Pushing Blackpowder to the limit | Shooting at 1200 yards with Ian Egbert

This week we’re talking with Ian Egbert, an active muzzleloading and blackpowder cartridge shooting competitor. Ian was drawn to the history of muzzleloaders after attending a civil war battle reenactment at 8 or 9 years old, but soon fell in love with shooting and competing with blackpowder.

Hands on with an original Heinrich Leue Double Rifle from the 1880s | Black Powder Cartridge

We get a gun maker's history lesson while at the NMLRA Safari Range in Friendship Indiana. Jerry V. was kind enough to show us his original Heinrich Leue 50 cal. Double rifle from the late 1880s.