Photos — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Muzzle Blasts at Mississinewa 1812

It’s been a busy weekend for the NMRLA and Living History. With events in Indiana, Tennessee and Pennsylvania, our Muzzleblasts reporters are excited to share photos and videos from these events.

Reporting in first are some photos from “Missisissinewa 1812” a living history event and battle reenactment near Marion, Indiana. This event honors those who fought in the war of 1812, the historic battlefield is just miles away from the reenactment site.

”An early search and destroy mission, the battle of Mississinewa was one of the major engraftments fought during the war of 1812. It marked the first offensive victory of the American army during the conflict.”
— The Mississinewa Battlefield Society

This was the 32nd year for the Mississinewa 1812 event, which draws 30,000 people each year to watch the battle, learn from craftspeople as well as shop and eat thanks to all of the reenacting vendors.

Find out more at

Photos from the Trap Range Awards at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships

A Special thank you to Robert Frist for sharing these photos with us on Facebook. It’s hard for us to get photos of everything, members like Robert make our jobs a lot easier. Thank you Robert!

We are working on getting scores from the National Championships up as soon as possible, thank you for your patience.

Friday from the 2019 National Championships!

We’re excited to see the grounds filling up with camps, marksmen, families and craftsmen today. NMLRA Media spent some time walking through the living history grounds this afternoon.

We’re posting through the day on our social media. Follow us as @NMLRA on facebook and @muzzleblasts on instagram to see stories and photos throughout the days.

Be sure to tag us on social media to be featured on the site and NMLRA social media!

Photos from the August 22 Fun Shoot at the Walter Cline Range- NMLRA Shooting Sports

Last weekend we hosted our last 22 Fun Shoot of the season at our Walter Cline Range.

With perfect weather and 37 participants, we all had a great time plinking away at the various banks of reactive targets. Special thanks to Mike Weissmann for hosting this event as well as bringing targets and prizes for the shooters.

Below you can find a gallery of many of the photos taken by the NMLRA media team at this event. Video coming soon!