Heinz Ahlers — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

Heinz Ahlers

Presentation Pipe Tomahawk by Simeon England, Mike Miller, and Kyle Willyard

 Presentation Pipe Tomahawk by Simeon England, Mike Miller, and Kyle Willyard

The name tomahawk is a combination of tribal and English words. Algonquin and Lenape peoples called their lightweight stone axes "tamahak" or “tamahakan". European Americans pronounced these words as "tomahawk." They liked the size and weight of the original tool, but made their own adaptation by replacing the stone heads with iron heads having steel blades. Tribes who had never seen a handled tool with a metal head called it a tomahawk, adopting the indigenous term to the iron headed tool.

Muzzle Blasts Magazine, November 2020 | Volume 82 No.2

Muzzle Blasts Magazine is back with, in my opinion, one of the best issues of 2020. Dave has jam-packed this issue with great articles and photos, I had to double-check and see if we hadn’t increased the page count!