Gunsmithing — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


Making and Remodeling Muzzle Loading Pistols Part 2

Part I of this series presented alternatives for solving one of the most vexing problems in the making of a muzzleloading pistol”: “There is little difference between making a rifle and making a pistol-except: how does a smith hang onto a pistol stock while working on it?”

Making and Remodeling Muzzle Loading Pistols Part 1

Making muzzleloading pistols is a much-maligned craft. “To a gunsmith, Kentucky pistols leave a lot to be desired. Pistol making is time-consuming and challenges all of the skills required to make a good rifle. A barrel, breech plug, and lock have to be inletted. Triggers, thimbles, nose cap, butt cap, side plate, bolts, screws, sights, ramrod, and stock all have to be created just as they must for a longrifle. To be of use, the hardware has to be of rifle quality.