Events — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot 2020 Official Dates and Information

The official dates for the NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot are June 13-21, 2020.

Official information for the 2020 NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot will be updated as frequently as possible through this link at

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Kalamazoo Living History Show 2020 CANCELLED

From the Kalamazoo Living History Show Website


All, On the evening of March 11 the State of Michigan issued community mitigation strategies recommended for the control of the spread of coronavirus. Among those recommendations was that all events, conventions, and meetings over 100 people should be cancelled due to the coronavirus. Here is the official statement about events from the state's website

"Cancel or postpone large gatherings, conferences and sporting events (e.g. events with over 100 people)."

In order to comply with these recommendations by the State of Michigan, we are cancelling the show this year. While we wish this wasn’t necessary, the show must comply in order to meet state expectations and to insure our vendors and visitors are safe. We will be in touch with our vendors shortly. We want to thank everyone for their support of the show during the fluidity of this situation

The NMLRA will be working with Kalamazoo Living History Show Staff to promote their exhibitors, vendors, and craftspeople to our online audience. We ask that you consider shopping from these vendors online to help support them during this rough time.

Thank you.

2020 Alafia River Rendezvous

Pack up your camp and head to Sunny Florida for the Southeast’s largest pre-1840 Rendezvous. Join over 1000 other campers for shooting, hawk & knife, and archery competitions, seminars, pow wow, kids activities, traders, and lots of entertainment.

Join us January 15-26, 2020. Early set up begins January 15 and goes until January 17.

1000 Old FT. Meade Road, Homeland, FL 33847

For registration forms and info- or follow them on facebook- AlafiaRiverRendesvous

School Day will be Thursday, January 23

January 24 & 25 will be Public Days

The Registration Gate will close at 4pm each day.


This is not an NMLRA event, we are promoting the event because we love living history.