Questions and answers from Facebook
“Howdy y’all I have a question what size drill bit do you use to make a speedloader for 45cal”
Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.
Jeff L “ 29/64” Bit’
Aaron H “After you drill it, take a Dremel tool with a sanding disc on it and stand it nice and smooth. otherwise your patches will catch on it. taper the edges a little bit so that the patched ball slides into the block easier”
Photo Courtesy of Kricket Crosby
Kricket C
.32 Cal = 21/64” Bit
.36 = 3/8”
.40 = 27/64”
.45 = 29/64”
.50 = 1/2”
.54 = 35/64”
.58 = 19/32”
.62 = 5/8”
.69 = 11/16” (needs filed after drilling to fit)
.75 = 3/4”
Visit the Contemporary Longrifle Association Facebook group for more information.
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