Best way to remove case coloring on a lock plate? | Ask the Experts — The NMLRA

Best way to remove case coloring on a lock plate? | Ask the Experts

Questions and answers from Facebook

best way to remove case coloring on lock plate . thanks in advance for any help
— Eddie Mcfarland

Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.

Peter B “Blue or brown over it. CH is in the metal, not on the surface.”

Bill B “Card away the colors with a file card or metal brush. Commonly done that way in the old days.”

Dave P “Naval Jelly has always worked well for me, for that.”

Rick Tabor “Coca cola will take it right off.”

Rick J “Hydrogen peroxide is gentle but slow”

Billy F. “Rust remover will remove the color, but not the hardness. If you want to remove the case hardening, the part needs to be annealed. “

Visit the Rocklock Enthusiasts Facebook group for more information.

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