Questions and answers from Facebook
“In your opinion, what is the best inline muzzle loader for under $500?
The plan is to use it for elk hunting in CO this year.
Any specific trade offs you’d consider before buying one?”
Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.
Johnny W - “The only inline I have ever shot is a Knight. I have no complaints about it.”
Nathan S “I have used a CVA Optima and a T/C Impact. The CVA is amazing. The TC, not so much.”
Nate B “I just got the CVA Accura V2 LR and it is awesome comes cerakoted with a 30 inch Bergara barrel”
Rob H “I have both the T/C Strike and Triumph as well as an Omega, I’d look for a lightly used Omega. It was T/C’s best inline in my opinion. “
TC B “a used omega can be had for a couple hundred bucks, wish they still produced them. I own 3 of them and they all shoot whatever I feed them very well “
Joe M “CVA Wolf is best bang for your buck. Often under $200 now, pre-drilled and tapped for common scope mounts. Quick Release Breech Plug, flawless bores/rifling, very accurate once you’ve worked up your load. They’re just a lot of value and very affordable. Only available in .50 caliber “
James S “Knight bighorn with upgraded globe sights”
Randall F “TC impact, Any TC, But most will shoot well”
Cary P “Cva accura is good rifle but it dont compare to my old knight 45 disc elite”
Kyle K “I bought a Traditions Pursuit ultralight G4 from Cabelas, not sure if I love it yet or not but I know I will be upgrading the iron sights on it. It was on the cheaper side at 329$ and I’m still learning what powder and bullets it likes. Something I didn’t think about is that it isn’t legal for muzzleloader seasons in Idaho as it uses the 209 primers and the breach isn’t open to the elements. If I had to do it again I would get one legal in all the typical elk states. “
Jeffrey F “Any CVA is fantastic, I love my Accura V2… I got it in stanless and black. 1” Groups @100 yards with a 300 grn powderbelts and two White hots
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