Find Reenacting Military Groups for your next event — The NMLRA

The Massachusetts Provincial battalion

F&I War Reenactment Unit

The Massachusetts provincial battalion portrays Massachusetts soldiers from Colonel Jonathan Bagley's regiment during 1755 to 1763, French and Indian War. We are an educational family-based battle reenactment unit. We are one of the largest units in the Midwest, primarily from Michigan. We portray grenadiers, light/rangers, hat company during this era.
"Our expectations are high, but we wish to help others achieve them!"

Visit their website today


The 4th Company, Brigade of Guards in America, LTD

We encourage a wider public awareness and understanding of the roots, causes, and the events therein of the American Revolution and its impact upon modern society today.

This objective will be accomplished by:

• Publishing a newsletter which contains research on the period,
and provides a means whereby the reader can do further
research on the subject;

• Giving talks, lectures, and demonstrations, usually at historic sites, while dressed in authentic clothing and equipment and imitating mannerisms and styles of the period;

• Conducting living history weekends to which the public is
invited and encouraged to attend;

• Appearing in public in period clothing eliciting and encouraging further inquiry and exploration of the past; and

• Supporting educational research on the life and conditions of people in Colonial America.

Visit their website today


The Lexington Minute Men

The Lexington Minute Men is the second oldest independent military organization in the Western Hemisphere, best known for the Battle of Lexington in 1775.

Visit their Facebook


6th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Reenactment Group

Kirk Womack JR.jpg

Our group portrays the 6th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co B, as well as the Vernon Greys, an Indiana Home Guard Unit. We're always looking for new events to attend, wether living history or battlefield reenactment. The 6th was the first regiment to be formed in the state in 1861, and served extensively throughout the war. The Home Guard was formed by Governor Morton, and acted as the state militia during the war, seeing active service during Morgan's Raid in July 1863

Contact Kirk Womack Jr At to book the group


The 8th Light Company of the King’s Regiment

The Light Company of the 8th (the King's) Regiment of Foot has been established as a means through which members of the living history community can develop and share their knowledge, skills and research in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

Those new to the hobby who are interested in portraying a more progressive side of the Revolutionary War era, will be warmly welcomed and provided with the necessary guidance and resources to participate as full, knowledgeable members of the Light Coy. The Light Company, will make use of its resources to explore new avenues of research and experimental archaeology, while also engaging in meaningful discussions, seminars, events and activities that will permit us to work with communities across North America, particularly Ontario, Quebec, the Maritime Provinces and the Eastern United States, doing so in both official languages of Canada.

Representing the Light Company of the 8th, this group will participate in a variety of events across North America and beyond, though emphasis will be placed on the Great Lakes expeditions and events, covering the historical actions of the Light Coy. and the 8th, at large. While this is our focus, expect to see us as far off as Fort Ticonderoga, Kentucky, Mount Harmon in the East and Williamsburg to the South, as well as destinations further afield.

Visit their Website, Facebook and get in touch!

1776 replica frontier fort in Old Fort NC


Non-profit group of re-enactors , chapter of OVTA, dedicated to teaching young and old history of colonial North Carolina during the Cherokee and Revolutionary wars period. With 3 major events and numerous smaller presentations throughout the year, the members work with historic sites around the area.