Event Coordinator Directory — The NMLRA


The Feast of the Hunters’ Moon

The Feast of the Hunters’ Moon is a re-creation of the annual fall gathering of the French and Native Americans which took place Fort Ouiatenon, a fur-trading outpost in the mid – 1700s. It is held annually in early autumn on the banks of the Wabash River, four miles southwest of West Lafayette, Indiana.

Thousands of participants re-enact this event creating a feast for your senses. Smell the wood smoke, hear the report of the rifles, savor authentic food and more.

Continuous, free programming is held on five stages. French and Native American music and dance, fife and drum corps performances, military drills and demonstrations, fashion shows, games and contests can be enjoyed at the 50th celebration of this event. Special hands-on activities include the children’s trade blanket, costume try-on, candle-dipping, story telling, bead bracelet making, cross-cut sawing, and tomahawk throwing.

Event Coordinator Leslie Martin Conwell

Event Coordinator Leslie Martin Conwell

Learn more about The Feast of the Hunters’ Moon and how to exhibit at the event by contacting the event coordinator Leslie Martin Conwell for more information via phone or email.




The Kalamazoo Living History Show

More than 10,000 historical re-enactors, history enthusiasts, collectors and the general public from the United States and Canada are expected to attend the 45th annual Kalamazoo Living History Show™.  The juried, nationally recognized show is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, March 21-22, 2020, at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center, Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds, 2900 Lake Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan.   The show attracts over 270 of the finest artisans and vendors of pre-1890 living history supplies and related crafts from throughout the United States and Canada.  Other highlights include children’s activities, Native American cultural programs, and artisans who will demonstrate their crafts.  

Program Theme of the 45th Annual Kalamazoo Living History Show™

“The Painter Embodies Forth ... All the Heart Feels”*
Artists and Naturalists on the American Frontier

Event Coordinator Leslie Martin Conwell

Event Coordinator Leslie Martin Conwell

Learn more about the Kalamazoo Living History Show and Contact the event coordinator, Leslie Martin Connell through email and phone to learn about exhibiting at the event.


(765) 201-5019

Learn more at Kalamazooshow.com

Colonial Market Days

Located in a beautiful park in Lebanon, Indiana, come and visit some of the best merchants in 18th century reenacting! Demonstrators and craftsmen from across the Midwest will be displaying their wares for sale. Military and militia units from many different organizations and locations will be camping in the park to teach the public about the life a soldier and camp follower.

Be sure to check out the afternoon battles and the Saturday evening tactical.

Jugglers, street performers, magic, and more. Musical entertainment will fill the air as our 18th century market becomes a stage. 

Find out more about being a part of this event at  www.colonialmarketdays.com Or Phone: (317) 762-0117

Event Coordinators, Casey & Abbie Samson.

Event Coordinators, Casey & Abbie Samson.

Settlers Encampment on the AuGlaize

May 16-17, 2020. Kids Day May15.

1750-1815. English, American, French, Native, civilian, military, demonstrators, merchants, artisans and musicians are ALL welcome. Focus is on demonstration and education. All amenities. Divine Services held Sunday in the historic church building.

Held at the historic Auglaize Village & Farm Museum | 12296 Krouse Road | Defiance, OH 43512.

Coordinators: Cheryl Daniel 419.551.1134 or Mike Judson 574.536.9851.

Email auglaizehistory@gmail.com for an application.

"The Corps of Discovery" Lewis and Clark-the Handshake event

Rediscover the story of Lewis and Clark on the first weekend in October in Clarksville, In. where it all started.

The festival will offer a variety of displays and presenters. With historic potrayls of Lewis, and Clark as well as Clark’s slave and important expedition member, York. Demonstrations will also be give by several traditional craftspeople specializing in silversmithing, blacksmithing, weaving and more.

For more information contact Sandy Hennings, sandybear48813@yahoo.com or 517-231-3193.

Friends of the Old Northwest Rendezvous

Join us June 19-26, 2020, for Friends of the Old Northwest Rendezvous at a beautiful new location, Miller Conservation Farm, 5670 E. Township Road 138
Tiffin OH 44883.

All of the usual shoots, archery, hawk & knife, cooking contest, Highland games and entertainment will be happening.

Our leaders this year are Booshway Hank Felder, 517-852-9252knives2@gmail.com, and Segundo Dave Pitney, 419-296-8165damapitney@tds.net.

Camp fee is $45/person ages 18 and older. FREE for ages 17 and younger.
Trader fee is $20. Blanket with less than $500 are free.

Setup days are June 17-19 - Gate opens at 8 a.m.
Other gate hours June 20-26 are 8-10 a.m. and 3-5 p.m.

Keep up with the latest information on the Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofONW/

To request a registration form, contact Hank or Dave or gate captain Vicki Johnson.

Mail registrations and accompanying payment to:
FONW c/o Vicki Johnson
4636 Co Rd P, McClure, OH 43534 
(419) 601-2495