Follow along with the Kibler Kit assembly class from Mike Brooks
Building a Kibler Kit with Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes | August 2020 Day 3
Building a Kibler Kit with Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes | August 2020 Day 2
Building a Kibler Kit with Mike Brooks and Wayne Estes | August 2020 Day 1
Creating your own longhunter pouch | A Leather Bag Class with Jeff Luke
We continue through our class with contemporary artisan Jeff Luke. In this video, Jeff Luke walks his students through finishing their bags and preparing them for their next trek!
“The NMLRA bag building class was a success! Thank you to the NMLRA and all of the students who participated. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing what I’ve learned and watching the group turn out some very nice bags!”
Thank you all for following along as we released the videos from this class. It was a bit of a learning experience for everyone involved. The class went very well, with 5 students Jeff was a busy teacher the entire day. We’d like to arrange another during the June 2020 NMLRA National Shoot, if you are interested, please let us know and we will do our best to arrange enough class time for everyone.
Moving forward, we’d love to host more 1 day traditional craft classes like this one. Our education center is set up with several classrooms with the proper tools and equipment to better manage a class like this, we will be sure to move to one of those for the next class.
Throughout the day we talked a lot with the students and Jeff about other kinds of projects that would make for a good class. This hunting pouch is a great project, but we did have to work an hour over our estimated time to get everyone finished up. Ideas for the future include knife sheaths, flint wallets, wallets and more.
We’d like to thank Jeff Luke once again for his work to bring this class to the NMLRA Education Center. Everyone young and old went home with a smile on their face and a new bag they will cherish forever.
Muzzleloading Instructor Course with Klint Macro - June 2020
We have scheduled another Muzzleloading Instructor Course with Klint Macro of the Trigger Pressers Union June 10, 11, and 12, 2020!
In these classes, Klint Macro focuses on working with each and every student to fully understand the NMLRA/NRA Muzzleloading Instructor Course curriculum. You’ll walk away with some great knowledge and the confidence to safely share your love of muzzleloading.
You can register for the class at the NRA website or by contacting Klint directly.
Jeff Luke's Leather Bag Class - Videos on Youtube!
Couldn’t make it to the class? Don’t sweat it, we’re bringing more NMLRA Classes and educational programs to you. In this new weekly series, follow along as Jeff Luke of PoBoy Gear guides these students through the world of “Homespun” hunting pouch creation.
In this first video in this new series, Jeff begins the class with some introductions to historic leather bags, their design and more.
Jeff has decades of leather-working experience from wallets to motorcycle seats, but now has a passion for historically accurate bags and pouches from American History.
NMLRA Relief Carving Class 2019
Our 2019 education series continued this past September with a course on Relief Carving and Silver Wire inlay!
Check out some of the photos below from the class, the students, and their great work. We can’t wait to see some of the beautiful Muzzleloaders built with these new skills.