Pakota Valley Longrifles 2020 Updates | NMLRA Charter Club — The NMLRA

Patoka Valley Longrifles 2020 Updates | NMLRA Charter Club

The Patoka Valley Longrifles are an NMLRA Charter Club. Find out more information on Charter Clubs here

The Patoka Valley Longrifles are located at 1579 E Logtown Rd, Winslow, Indiana 47598

ALL shoots are open to the public!

Paper shoots are $6.00 entry with prizes going to the top three; A 10X gets a bead, and a perfect score gets a 50 Pin - Members and non-members.

Our spring and fall rendezvous are two-day events; Saturday is a Mountain Man competition while Sunday is a "Fun Shoot" with two-shooter teams drawn by chance. Prizes go to the top four teams, and the last place team gets a fun prize. We also give "door prizes." The cost is $20.00 for both days, firewood, and camping - primitive and campers but no hook-ups.

We are too small of a club to have any traders, but we have a good time with friendly competition and camaraderie.

In June we have a two-day aggregate paper shoot that can be shot in one day if you wish. The cost is $20.00 with $1:00 reentry for each target.

The November Deer Warm-Up is a special paper deer target with a twist that you will have to experience to appreciate.

From time-to-time, we might have a table shoot, squirrel shoot, or some other fun competition. Maybe two or three dollars.

Most shoots are twenty shots or less. For Woods Walk and Mountain Man, some get dressed up for extra points.

Stay up to date with the Pakota Valley Longrifles on Facebook!

January 25 - Paper

February 22 - Woods Walk

March 28 - Paper

April 25&26 - Rendezvous

May - Paper

June 27&28 - Two Day Shoot

July 25 - Paper

August - 22 - Woods Walk

September 26 - Paper

October 24&25 - Rendezvous

November 7 - Deer Warm-Up

December 12 - Paper