Mike Beliveau on Writing, Youtube, and the Duelist’s Den — The NMLRA

Mike Beliveau on Writing, Youtube, and the Duelist’s Den | Muzzle Blasts Podcast

Mike Beliveau toting a cap and ball revolver, one of the favorites of his youtube fans.

Mike Beliveau toting a cap and ball revolver, one of the favorites of his youtube fans.

We're joined by Mike Beliveau to chat a bit about muzzleloading history, media and his own work in the field. Mike has been writing for Muzzleloader and Gun Digest Magazines for several years now, but you probably know him from his youtube channel "Duelist 1954". Mike was skeptical of making videos, but ever since his start in 2011-2012, it's become the thing he's most known for. 

It was great to have Mike on, he talks not only about his own work, but his personal history in shooting sports, from tv shows as a kid to his first gun, competitive shooting, trekking and more. Mike has done it all over the years and I really enjoyed hearing about it, I think you will too.

While Mike enjoys firearms from all time periods, his favorite has always been the flintlock rifle.

While Mike enjoys firearms from all time periods, his favorite has always been the flintlock rifle.

Get 10% at the NMLRA store using the code "Podcast10" This week's episode is brought to you by Dixie Gun Works. Dixie Gun Works and their annual catalog have been a staple for black powder enthusiasts for generations.

Get 10% at the NMLRA store using the code "Podcast10" 

This week's episode is brought to you by Dixie Gun Works. Dixie Gun Works and their annual catalog have been a staple for black powder enthusiasts for generations. Find out more at Dixiegunworks.com

Links to topics discussed- 

Duelist 1954 Youtube Channel 

Mike's York County Rifle Build Series

Duelist's Den Facebook Page 

Mike's work at Real World Survival

Mike's work at Tactical-Life

Muzzleloader Magazine articles featuring Mike's work

We'd like to thank Mike for coming on the show, please check out his work, subscribe to his youtube page and like his Facebook to show him some support.

Find out more about the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association at our website - NMLRA.org

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Muzzle Blasts Podcast

A special thanks this week to the guys at Primitive Pursuit for sponsoring the podcast! Primitive Pursuit was founded in 2017 to  be an outlet for learning experiences as a traditional bowhunter.

We couldn't have this conversation, the podcast or anything here at  the NMLRA without the support of our members. Everything we do is made  possible because of their generosity. Thank you.

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