Mel Blaurock has passed away - NMLRA Last Relay — The NMLRA

Mel Blaurock has passed away - NMLRA Last Relay

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I knew someday I would have to write this post, and it seems appropriate today. My "uncle" Mel Blaurock passed away May 19, 2020 and will be laid to rest tomorrow. He was a fixture at Friendship since the late 50's I believe, mostly hanging around shooting and/or volunteering at the Trap Range and heckling the slug gunners near whom we camped. (They gave as good as they got, scolding us for keeping banker's hours at the shotgun ranges). He was tasked with toting my brother and me around the range when we were toddlers and took it upon himself to teach my mother, brother and me to shoot as soon as he had the chance. My husband may have met me at the Quail Walk, but it was Mel who suggested our first date (the Barn Dance), and grinned with pride as we introduced two more young shooters to the sport when our kids were born. His other love was snowmobiling and he was a passionate advocate in clubs at the local, regional and state level.

A proud Army veteran and boy scout, he was one of kind and a much loved member of my family. He was family, not by blood or marriage, but by great love, sacrifice and service. Thank you, Uncle Mel. I love you and I'll keep my powder dry til I see you again.

-Catherine Hampel