June 2020 Muzzle Blasts Magazine | President's Message

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President’s Message

I am sure that I, like all of you, hated to see the June shoot being canceled. However, with the Governor's "plan" to get Indiana back on its feet, we were stuck with no alternative. We are all an independent and tough breed of Americans and we will win this fight.

2020 Muzzle Blasts Magazines

I want to share some positive news. The Pittman Robertson project is proceeding at warp speed and the blueprints for the new bathrooms are done and look great. The Range Improvement Committee has been actively working with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources towards securing a grant from the Pitman-Robertson monies to which all of you pay every

time you purchase any shooting or sporting equipment. The DNR will submit our application to the Wildlife Service this June And we are told it is expected the NMLRA will be approved.

We have engineering blueprints for two new ADA compliant bathrooms, one by the trap range

and one by the rifle range. They will be constructed near the existing bathrooms so the old ones can continue to be used while the new are under construction. Some of the other projects include new trap houses up to ATA standards so we can have alternative range use to hopefully increase revenues. 

Also, the Primitive Range Family Reunion shoot will be able to be had and still be within state guidelines. Check the web page for dates in July and for more details. If you haven’t shot primitive in a while, this may be a good chance to pull a trigger. Primitive clothing, while appreciated, will not be required. 

Keep the faith and God Bless our Association and our Country.

Brent Steele

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