He loaned me a shirt and I was hooked | Jason Gatliff from Muzzleloader Magazine — The NMLRA

He loaned me a shirt and I was hooked | Jason Gatliff from Muzzleloader Magazine


This week we are talking to Jason Gatliff, owner of Muzzleloader Magazine and American Pioneer Video.

A native of Georgia, Jason got involved in living history at a young age thanks to a family friend. By the time he was 16, he began driving himself to rendezvous in the American south. As he grew, so did his interest and involvement in the muzzleloading community. While in college, he published his blacksmith club’s newsletter. This experience gave him a head start when “On the Trail” Magazine came up for sale. With investment from a friend, he had met while camping the rendezvous circuit, “On the Trail” became the first of many ventures for Jason.

Listen to the podcast to hear how Jason went from a young man who enjoyed camping and throwing tomahawks to publishing some of the best articles and videos in the muzzleloading community.

This week we are talking to Jason Gatliff, owner of Muzzleloader Magazine and American Pioneer Video. A native of Georgia, Jason got involved in living history at a young age thanks to a family friend. By the time he was 16, he began driving himself to rendezvous in the American south.

This chat isn’t all business, at his core, Jason loves the muzzle loading community and takes time to trek, camp and hunt just like his readers. We dive into the shape of the hobby, how it’s changed over his 20+ year involvement, and where he sees muzzle loading and living history in the years to come.

Learn more about how Lucas Oil is working to promote shooting sports

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A special thanks this week to the guys at Primitive Pursuit for sponsoring the podcast! Primitive Pursuit was founded in 2017 to be an outlet for learning experiences as a traditional bowhunter.

We couldn't have this conversation, the podcast, or anything here at the NMLRA without the support of our members. Everything we do is made possible because of their generosity. Thank you.

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