President's Message February 2021 — The NMLRA

President's Message February 2021

Greetings Fellow NMLRA Members,

I hope that 2021 is off to a good start for everyone and that you and your families are staying healthy. While the trials and challenges NMLRA President of 2020 have not completely left, we are hopefully making the turn back to a more normal time.

With this in mind, we are steadfastly making plans for a busy year for the NMLRA. In addition to our normal schedule of events, we are planning to build upon some of the new ones we started last year.

Additionally, with the start of the Pittman-Robertson improvements at the Walter Cline Range, we

are embarking on some major changes. These improvements will provide greatly enhanced facilities for our membership and set the stage for increased alternate range use and opportunities for new revenue streams.

Mark your calendars and plan to attend our Spring National Shoot at the Walter Cline Range June 12th-20th. In addition to the normal shoot program, we are making plans to add matches and other fun activities. Meanwhile, please stay tuned to our website and social media sites for the Territorial Match schedule. Many are posted and more may be slated. These matches and our Charter Clubs are a great way to meet fellow members, bring new members into the fold and have a lot of fun.

While the winter months are still at hand, many of us are working on our projects for spring. Check out our YouTube channel for some great how-to videos and don’t forget to share them.

In closing, I just want to remind everyone to stay safe and always be on the lookout for opportunities to tell a friend or prospective member about the NMLRA.

Jeff Cunningham