NMLRA Territorials and Covid 19 — The NMLRA

NMLRA Territorials and Covid 19

To all, Particularly Territorial Match Directors.

As of late I have received a few phone calls regarding COVID-19 and our Territorials

The Association cannot dictate to a local host club regarding the cancellation of a Territorial due to the Corona Virus epidemic we are all aware of.

What I can do as the Territorial Coordinator is recommend that you follow all local, state, and federal directives related to the current situation.

I would like as a favor, to please inform me if you decide that you have to cancel your respective Territorial.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for every thing you do for the NMLRA, and thank you for your continued support of the Territorial Program.

My Best Regards

Rick Repovsch

NMLRA Territorial Coordinator

NMLRA Chief Range Officer
