Don’t miss out on this year’s NMLRA/WKU Gunsmith Seminar! — The NMLRA

Don’t miss out on this year’s NMLRA/WKU Gunsmith Seminar!

Time is running out to register for the 2020 NMLRA/WKU Gunsmith Seminar.  We currently have openings in the 6-Day classes and just a few in some of the 3 & 9-Day classes. 

Deadline to register is February 19, 2020.  As we have very talented and dedicated Instructors, this is an event you do not want to miss!

Learn more at

39th Annual NMLRA/WKU Gunsmithing/Longrifle Seminar

Wednesday June 3rd through Friday June 12th, 2020

At Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, Kentucky