24th Annual Honourable Company of Horners Horn Fair! — The NMLRA

24th Annual Honourable Company of Horners Horn Fair!


It’s once again time to mark your calendars for the Honourable Company of Horners Annual Horn Fair! Always planned for the first full weekend in March, the Horn Fair starts off the new year right. March 6-7, 2020 will be no exception as the 24th Annual Horn Fair plans are well under way. Once again there will be no conference registration fee so that all Guild members, along with the general public, can come and join in on the fun.

We especially welcome our friends in the NMLRA and hope many of them will be able to join us! The Guild’s Meetings Committee and Executive Committee have been pulling plans together and this looks to be another great event!

Currently, major activities include:

  • Interactive work stations manned by Journeyman and Master horners focusing on the “Back to Basics” theme.

  • Freeman Jerry Polizzi will have the Guild’s spring pole lathe set up for demonstration and first time users are encouraged to try out this amazing piece of equipment.The Awards Committee will again be overseeing a horn competition for HCH members who would like to enter their horn item in one of the following categories: Engraved Horn- Traditional, Engraved Horn- Contemporary, Unengraved Horn, Horn Item and Bag and Horn Set.

  • This year’s Educational Theme is the Powder Flask.

  • Two seminars will be given: Friday (1:30 PM) Making the Scottish Horn Mull by Clint Byers, Journeyman and Saturday (10:00 AM) The European Powder Flask by Carl Dumke, Master Horner.

  • Guildmaster Carl Dumke will be offering another Guildmaster’s Challenge. The rules remain the same as last year.

  • Representatives from the NMLRA will again be given a display table so they can answer questions, sign up members or you can stop and see what’s new with their group.

  • There will be two fundraising events throughout the weekend, including a raffle and an auction.

  • 2020’s 1 of 1000 Powder Horn is being made by Walter Mabry, Master Horner. The horn will be on display for the weekend and presented to the NMLRA representative Saturday evening during the banquet.

  • All Guild members are encouraged to purchase a table in the display room to sell horn related items or simply to have an educational exhibit. Price is minimal at only $20 for an 8 foot table!

  • Don’t forget we have an awesome Raffle and Auction happening at the annual meeting!

    See the Fundraising Page for details and tickets!

Read more about what will be happening during the HCH Annual Horn Fair on their website
